George Soros

Julia A. Seymour, Aly Nielsen | December 18, 2017

Liberal media bias has existed for years, but in 2017, it appeared to reach unprecedented levels given the media’s hostility to President Donald Trump.

The media distorted many stories in 2017, in many different ways. They ranged…

Aly Nielsen | December 13, 2017

Soros-funded journalism is coming to seven states in 2018, thanks to ProPublica. The liberal journalism nonprofit announced on Dec. 9 it had chosen journalists in Louisiana, West Virginia, Oregon, New Mexico, Indiana, Illinois and Florida to…

Aly Nielsen | November 30, 2017

Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) fired famous radio personality Garrison Keillor over “allegations of his inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him,” on Nov. 29, 2017.

Keillor worked for MPR since 1969, and…

Aly Nielsen | November 21, 2017

A “secretive” network of liberal donors co-founded by George Soros is pushing to elect liberal prosecutors in 2018, according to a document obtained by the Free Beacon. But further behind the scenes, Soros is funding even-more-radical…

Katie Yoder, Aly Nielsen | October 27, 2017

Feminists were outraged when the Women’s March announced a man, Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders, would begin its October Women’s Convention. That was changed, but it turns out, there’s another old, white man prominently connected…

Aly Nielsen | October 17, 2017

Left-wing financier George Soros just nearly tripled the size of his foundation by adding an additional $18 billion in assets. The foundation has funded liberal activism on immigration, abortion, journalism and a myriad of other issues. Its soon-…

Aly Nielsen | August 29, 2017

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to include a comment from ACT for America.

A liberal, Soros-funded group is using the Charlottesville violence as an excuse to target conservative organizations by mislabeling them “…

Aly Nielsen | June 19, 2017

Judicial Watch recently filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice after uncovering evidence it forced companies to give money to left-wing nonprofits during the Obama administration — nonprofits which also received millions from…

Corinne Weaver, Aly Nielsen | June 7, 2017

Billionaire George Soros donated at least $10.5 million to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. But the two families are chummy beyond that and they don’t even try to hide it.    Soros’ son Alexander posted a selfie of himself…

Julia A. Seymour | May 19, 2017

If there were any doubts about how interconnected left-wing groups and donors are, Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope’s new book, Climate of Hope, puts them to rest.

Aly Nielsen | March 14, 2017

While the liberal broadcast networks continually fail to expose left-wing billionaire George Soros’ connections, Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly spent several minutes discussing the billionaire’s donations.

Aly Nielsen | March 7, 2017

Left-wing women are organizing a strike for March 8, in order to prove their worth and the importance of liberal policy. The Day Without a Woman strike is the latest event pushed by organizers of the post-inauguration Women’s March.

Aly Nielsen | January 17, 2017

After the election of Donald Trump, liberal groups are banding together to document hate crimes. At least ones that impact liberal victim groups.

ProPublica, a left-wing nonprofit media outlet funded by George Soros, just launched a brand…

Sam Dorman | December 30, 2016

According to lefty billionaire George Soros, President-Elect Donald Trump is a “would-be dictator” and a danger to the world’s democratic institutions.

“Democracy is now in crisis. Even the U.S., the world’s…

Aly Nielsen | October 20, 2016

As U.S. citizens prepare to select the next president, one liberal donor spent more than $103 million on media over the last 14 years to promote his own progressive agenda.

Liberal billionaire George Soros pledged to give at least $25…

Aly Nielsen | October 18, 2016

Gone are the days when billionaire Tom Steyer focused his political spending solely on climate change.

With the 2016 election only weeks away, the liberal donor has expanded his scope to include virtually anything left-wing, despite…

Aly Nielsen | October 14, 2016

Among the disturbing WikiLeaks emails was evidence of a liberal agenda to undermine the Catholic faith. And billionaire George Soros is funding much of that agenda.

Sandy Newman, president of liberal Voices for Progress, and John Podesta…

Sam Dorman | July 25, 2016

One of the journalists exposed exchanging emails with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the latest Wikileak was Politico’s Chief Investigative Reporter Ken Vogel, who formerly worked for a Soros-funded group.


Aly Nielsen | May 18, 2016

Several liberal media outlets that defend Planned Parenthood and shriek about climate change just received massive grants from a prominent foundation.

The MacArthur Foundation claims its new grants to 12 non-profit media organizations…

Aly Nielsen | May 10, 2016

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may argue that he’s a conservative, but his latest appointee comes from the ranks of former Soros employees. While that move might be a sticking point on the right, ABC, CBS and NBC…