George Soros

Joseph Vazquez | November 14, 2019

Accuse liberal billionaire George Soros of impropriety and you could be accused of anti-Semitism and be de-platformed. At least that’s what the Open Society Foundations is allegedly saying should happen to lawyer and Fox News guest Joe…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2019

Liberal megadonor George Soros believes the arc of history doesn’t bend on its own, so he’s actively engaged in working to bend it.

An Oct. 25, New York Times propaganda piece headlined “George Soros Has Enemies. He…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2019

Editor's Note: This piece has been updated to reflect an editor's note posted by Newsmax. An earlier version of this piece, cited Newsmax's error that Donald Sussman founded Maine Momentum. Sussman's representative informed Newsmax and MRC…

Joseph Vazquez | October 18, 2019

It is interesting to see liberal outlets like CNN singing the praises of nonprofit news outlets like ProPublica and Texas Tribune, particularly because these entities happen to have been funded almost exclusively by some of the biggest liberal…

Joseph Vazquez | October 16, 2019

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has had a smorgasbord of problems to deal with in the last few months, including death threats. Now, big-name liberals from mega-donors to media elites and Hollywood circles are trying to oust him…

Joseph Vazquez | October 9, 2019

Another Supreme Court LGBTQ-agenda showdown is in the works. A crucial case dealing with whether the term “sex” in The Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be expanded to include “sexual orientation” is being spearheaded by the…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2019

Liberal media outlets have a bad habit of trying to find an excuse to tie the issue of race and gender into multiple issues. A new New York Times piece claimed in its headline that “The Fed, long dominated by white men, is trying to…

Joseph Vazquez | September 26, 2019

While 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has become the face of the climate strike movement, it's no longer gatherings of children. A litany of well-funded, left-wing activist groups have partnered to generate a week of climate protests known as the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2019

Although children may be the face of the global climate strike that have spawned a media frenzy, several left-wing billionaires have also helped promote the cause.

The ongoing, youth-led global climate strikes which took place again on…

Joseph Vazquez | September 17, 2019

The left-wing Women’s March organization is going through a major leadership shift, adding seventeen new liberal board members while severing ties with a few prior leaders.

The New York Post reported on Sept. 16, that left-wing activist…

Joseph Vazquez | September 4, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros has already spent $8,520,000 on lobbying this year, including cash for a gun-control effort, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Through his Open Society Policy Center Soros’ money helped…

Joseph Vazquez | August 12, 2019

Liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic candidate Tom Steyer stepped down from a prominent left-wing think tank last month due to his presidential bid, according to CNBC.

Steyer was deeply involved with Center for American Progress for at…

Joseph Vazquez | August 8, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros had far more reach during the Obama administration than previously known, according to The Hill.

Hill investigative columnist John Solomon wrote on Aug. 7, “newly released department memos providing…

Joseph Vazquez | August 1, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros just wrote the “biggest check” of the 2020 election cycle so far to start his own super PAC.

Federal Election Commission filings revealed Soros put $5.1 million into the new Democracy PAC, according to…

Joseph Vazquez | July 16, 2019

Left-wing group Bend the Arc: Jewish Action went on a Twitter rampage over Sen. Lindsey Graham’s, (R-SC), criticism of a group of freshman legislators as anti-Semitic.

Bend the Arc is the result of a merger of The Progressive Jewish…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2019

The liberal media usually take aim at the libertarian Koch brothers, but now that they’ve launched a venture with George Soros, there’s been an about-face.

Slate, The Boston Globe, and The Week all covered the joint venture…

Joseph Vazquez | June 27, 2019

When liberal donor George Soros and several other liberal billionaires called for a wealth tax, the media swooned.

Soros, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes…

Julia A. Seymour | May 22, 2019

Liberal billionaire George Soros gives millions each year to fund a left-wing media empire that promotes far-left opinions. It’s only natural that some of those Soros-funded or Soros-linked media are pushing the eco-socialist Green New Deal…

Julia A. Seymour | May 8, 2019

Vice Media just got some help from the biggest funder of the left: billionaire George Soros.

The edgy and controversial liberal media company raised $250 million in debt from a group of investors including Soros Fund Management LLC, 23…

Corinne Weaver | May 2, 2019

The attack on the conservative internet has reached a new low.

Poynter, the journalism institute responsible for training writers and reporters, decided to promote a left-wing smear of conservative groups online. The result was a hit job…