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Although children may be the face of the global climate strike that have spawned a media frenzy, several left-wing billionaires have also helped promote the cause.

The ongoing, youth-led global climate strikes which took place again on Sept. 20, partnered with several organizations connected to liberal billionaires George Soros, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer, and media mogul and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Media including ABC, NBC and CBS broadcasts couldn’t get enough of the youth strike, fawning over kids as young as 9 walking out of school to “lead the way” in the political movement.

But the liberal media are unlikely to look into the billionaires supporting the effort. The Global Climate Strike website listed a myriad of liberal partner organizations and businesses. The vast collection of left-wing groups included several funded by Steyer, Soros or Bloomberg:, Avaaz, NextGen America, Sierra Club, and the Population Media Center.

One of the biggest supporting organizations was, which eco-doomsayer Bill McKibben founded in 2008. His group hosted the global climate strike website. McKibben has a long history of making drastic climate predictions that even Scientific American called out in 2011 for being “overheated” and”fear-mongering.”

His group, which has fought against coal power in India, to stop the Keystone XL pipeline in the U.S. and promoted divestment, was funded by Soros and Steyer. Soros gave more than $80,000 to the organization between 2000-2014.

Mother Jones credited McKibben with wooing Steyer to the “climate movement” a decade ago. Steyer’s Tomkat Charitable Trust was listed by Influence Watch as another of 350’s donors.


Climate Strike partner Avaaz is a “global ‘e-advocacy’ nonprofit organization whose chief function is to promote leftwing political agendas through Web-based movement-building and campaigns,” according to Discover The Networks. The Spectator (UK) noted in 2016, that Avaaz was “facilitated by seed funding channeled by another group which received $850,000 from Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) specifically earmarked for Avaaz.”

Billionaire impeachment crusader and now-candidate Steyer also founded his own left-wing eco-activist group NextGen America to support “government action to combat global warming” and help “elect Democrats.” No surprise then, for his group to directly promote climate strikers.

The Sierra Club, which got millions in support from Bloomberg, and the American Sustainable Business Council were also listed as strike supporters. Bloomberg committed at least $600 million towards the Sierra Club’s efforts to shut down all U.S. coal plants (and to start opposing gas plants). Bloomberg GROWNYC appointee Steven Salsberg chairs the American Sustainable Business Council which is also part of a Green New Deal Coalition with 350.

Population control proponents also supported the strike. The Soros-funded Population Media Center “advocates that growth of the human population is a threat to the environment” and promotes population control, according to Influence Watch.
