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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has had a smorgasbord of problems to deal with in the last few months, including death threats. Now, big-name liberals from mega-donors to media elites and Hollywood circles are trying to oust him from office by packing his primary challenger with campaign cash.

Liberal megadonors George Soros, son Alexander Soros, Donald Sussman, along with ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, disturbed actress Debra Messing, military coup-supporting actress Rosie O’Donnell, Deadpool movie star Ryan Reynolds and lefty Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr have all donated to support liberal candidate Amy McGrath’s (D-KY) bid to unseat McConnell’s senate seat, according to recently released third-quarter FEC quarter filings.

McGrath was lambasted in July for comparing the 2016 election of President Donald Trump to the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001. She was also quoted saying, “I am further left, I am more progressive, than anybody in the state of Kentucky.” It appears that none of these big-name donors thought this was too controversial for them to withhold support; nor did it stop NBC from fawning over her.

Both George Soros, his son and Sussman have each donated the maximum of $2,800 towards McGrath’s candidacy. George Soros is currently listed by Open Secrets as the second-highest donor to outside spending groups for the 2019-2020 cycle, contributing $6,285,000 exclusively to liberal causes. Sussman follows closely in third, contributing $6,050,000 to liberals.

The elder Soros let his involvement in the next electoral cycle be known when it was announced that he would be pumping $5.1 million into a new super PAC (called Democracy PAC) to assist liberals. In the first half of 2019, Soros’ mega-donor counterpart Sussman held the top donor spot overall, according to Open Secrets on Aug. 14. He had already given over $7.5 million total to Democrats at the time.


But these liberal megadonors weren’t the only ones who displayed a monetary interest in replacing Sen. McConnell. Big names from the entertainment industry also wanted a piece of the #DitchMitch action.

Kimmel, the host of his eponymous ABC late-night show, caused ABC to be fined nearly $400,000 in August by the Federal Communications Commission for mocking Trump’s Presidential Alert system, donated the maximum $2,800 to McGrath’s campaign. He had spewed venom at McConnell in August for inaction on “constitutionally suspect” universal background checks on gun ownership following the mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso Texas.

Huffington Post recorded Kimmel’s incendiary commentary against McConnell, the television host referring to him as an “evil, soulless, old creep” on August 6.

“He needs to drag his bony, grey ass back into work to vote on these bills,” said Kimmel.



The insufferable, anti-Trump personality Rosie O’Donnell also donated $500 to McGrath’s campaign. She has a history of ripping into McConnell, especially following the Dayton and El Paso shootings. O’Donnell called McConnell a “criminal,” followed by the hashtag “#VoteMitchOut” in a retweet against the senator’s opposition to gun control, price controls on drugs and climate. In a January appearance on NBC's Late Night with Seth Meyers, O’Donnell led the studio audience in a spontaneous and juvenile booing of the senator.

Debra Messing, a cut from the same liberal cloth as O’Donnell, donated the maximum $2,800 to the McGrath campaign. Her hatred of McConnell is well-known. She retweeted a disgusting Aug. 5 tweet from an account called The Volatile Mermaid, which said, “If I get killed in a mass shooting please cremate me and throw my ashes into Mitch McConnell’s and Dana Loesch’s eyes while I’m still smoldering.” Messing responded with a resounding, “THIS. Yesssssssssss.” Her reaction to the incendiary tweet drew major backlash, according to Fox News Aug. 6.

Deadpool movie star Ryan Reynolds, who also has a checkered history of barking from the liberal echo chamber, also donated $2,800 to McGrath’s campaign.

Editor’s Note: FEC rules stipulate that maximum donations to candidate committees cannot exceed $2,800 for individual contributors. For more information on FEC donor rules, please visit here.