George Soros

Corinne Weaver | May 22, 2020

Facebook’s new Oversight Board promises to be committed to freedom of expression. But that principle might better reflect an international standard, rather than a First Amendment-based American one.

In an op-ed published by…

Joseph Vazquez | May 18, 2020

Ads from Soros-funded Priorities USA Action exploiting the coronavirus to spit venom at President Donald Trump continue to dominate the TV airwaves.

Advertising Analytics latest “The Week in Review” report stated that…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2020

After remaining relatively quiet this election cycle, the liberal billionaire globalist George Soros broke his silence in an interview to discuss the pandemic and attack President Donald Trump in the process.

In an interview with…

Joseph Vazquez | May 11, 2020

Lefty group Priorities USA Action disgustingly continues to put its billionaire funding from George Soros and Donald Sussman to dubious use launching ads exploiting the coronavirus to attack the president.

Newly released data…

Joseph Vazquez | May 5, 2020

Whenever liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC pumps cash into a lefty group, a disgusting anti-Trump propaganda TV ad eventually surfaces. A new ad from a group funded with $2 million by the billionaire’s PAC pushed a…

Joseph Vazquez | April 29, 2020

Multiple liberal outlets fumed at how conservative donors have funded groups who have supported lockdown protests across the country. But they avoided reporting how the left is outspending the right in this election cycle to outside groups by…

Joseph Vazquez | April 20, 2020

Could liberal billionaire George Soros be more disgusting? He’s using his super PAC to exploit the coronavirus and attack President Donald Trump and using the issue of abortion to do it.

Federal Election Commission data…

Joseph Vazquez | April 17, 2020

The liberal New York Times devoted two stories between Apr. 15 and Apr. 17, attacking President Donald Trump’s decision to freeze funding to the World Health Organization.

The effort attempted to insulate one of the…

Joseph Vazquez | April 16, 2020

It appears some of the most liberal billionaires in the United States are joining forces with California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to give pandemic relief funding to illegal immigrants.

CNN seemed pleased to mention a list of groups…

Joseph Vazquez | April 9, 2020

The Washington Post continues to ruin its reputation by relying on a mix of a Soros-affiliated organization, the UN and the ADL to claim criticism of China’s handling of the coronavirus is racist.

The Post’s story is…

Joseph Vazquez | April 8, 2020

A left-wing group funded with millions from liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Network tried to get the FCC to label President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings as “hoaxes.”

The attempt failed.

The Federal…

Joseph Vazquez | April 6, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s millions are still being used to exploit the coronavirus in an attempt to damage President Donald Trump’s chances for re-election.

A new report by Advertising Analytics found that…

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2020

It looks like the millions liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC dumped into lefty group Priorities USA’s coffers are paying dividends.

An Advertising Analytics March 21-March 27 “The Week in Review”…

Joseph Vazquez | March 24, 2020

It looks as though the left will exploit any crisis in order to take a shot at President Donald Trump, and they’re being fueled by liberal billionaire cash.

Liberal billionaire George Soros’ Democracy PAC and liberal…

Joseph Vazquez | March 11, 2020

The liberal billionaire Godfather of the left is definitely not sitting on the sidelines this electoral cycle.

The left’s “flagship 2020 super PAC,” Priorities USA, is going to be providing cover via ads for the…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2020

When apparent hoaxer Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s charges were controversially dropped last year for allegedly faking a hate crime incident, the twitter page for the Empire writers rubbed it in everyone’s faces.

Now, liberal…

Joseph Vazquez | February 11, 2020

When billionaire President Donald Trump is successful in the social media game, the left either accuse him of Big Tech collaboration or want to censor him.

Yet when billionaire Democratic presidential candidate and owner of Bloomberg News…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2020

Liberal billionaire “Godfather of the Left” George Soros thinks Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg should not be in charge of Facebook. Joining a host of others on the left, Soros fears Zuckerberg’s recent free speech…

Joseph Vazquez | January 7, 2020

The Godfather of the left George Soros was recognized as Inside Philanthropy’s “philanthropist of the year.” Is that because of his history of bankrolling leftist causes?

The liberal publication recognized Soros during its Inside…

Joseph Vazquez | December 12, 2019

National Public Radio (“NPR”) has historically been criticized for liberal bias. Is it any wonder why, particularly when there’s a money trail from liberal organizations bankrolling an already taxpayer-funded news outlet?

Ten liberal…