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According to lefty billionaire George Soros, President-Elect Donald Trump is a “would-be dictator” and a danger to the world’s democratic institutions.

“Democracy is now in crisis. Even the U.S., the world’s leading democracy, elected a con artist and would-be dictator as its president,” Soros said of Trump on Dec. 28.

Writing in Project Syndicate, which he also has funded, Soros lamented a crisis in “open societies,” which he used as a proxy for regimes that looked “after the interests of the electorate.” Instead, closed societies like fascist dictatorships and “mafia states” were rising.

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That situation, according to Soros, would get worse with a President Trump who would “have a greater affinity with dictators” and help accommodate them. “The U.S. will be unable to protect and promote democracy in the rest of the world,” Soros said.

He promised to give at least $25 million to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and gave an additional $61 million to nonprofit media that promoted Clinton’s agenda. During the 2016 election, he also gave millions of dollars to local district attorney elections in order to quietly overhaul the U.S. justice system, Politico reported in August.

Soros also criticized Trump’s cabinet, saying it comprised “incompetent extremists and retired generals.”

Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros ranks as the 16th wealthiest man in the world, according to Forbes, and is the financier behind several liberal organizations through his Open Society Foundations.

Soros uses his wealth to support radicals, undermine national currencies (like the British Pound), start revolutions, and increase abortion around the world. In the U.S. he’s worked to undermine religion, push climate change rhetoric, promote labor unions, and support illegal immigration.