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While the liberal broadcast networks continually fail to expose left-wing billionaire George Soros’ connections, Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly spent several minutes discussing the billionaire’s donations.

“George Soros donating hundreds of millions of dollars to groups associated with the Women’s March and the work stoppage yesterday,” O’Reilly said on March 9, citing a Special Report published by MRC Business. Fox News correspondents Eric Shawn and Shannon Bream  joined O’Reilly.

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The 100 Women’s March partner groups which had been funded by Soros are “very progressive groups,” Bream said, “and those are the ones he’s chosen to vote for essentially with his money.”

Bream further asserted that Soros’ 2000 to 2014 donations revealed the true agenda behind this year’s Women’s March and Day Without a Woman strike.

“He doesn’t like Trump, he’s made that very clear. He says Trump’s going to be the death of Democracy! But he’s the one who wants open borders, one world government, one world religion,” Bream said.

O’Reilly said, “I don’t think the - that most Americans are aware on how he - involved he is on these demonstrations.”