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Left-wing women are organizing a strike for March 8, in order to prove their worth and the importance of liberal policy. The Day Without a Woman strike is the latest event pushed by organizers of the post-inauguration Women’s March.

While the Women’s March itself claimed to stand for all women, it celebrated a host of liberal causes from abortion to eco-extremism and 100 of its partners were funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.  

Soros didn’t fund the Jan. 21, 2017, march directly. He had already given $246,637,217 to march partners, including some of the most prominent groups battling the right: Planned Parenthood, the Center for American Progress and People for the American Way (PFAW). Those donations represent just a fragment of Soros’ massive global influence. His Open Society Foundations have given away more than $13 billion to push his globalist, anti-American views.

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A new Special Report by the Media Research Center’s Business division analyzed the groups involved in the Women’s March and revealed that the march’s most-important supporters were backed by Soros. Key report findings include:

  • Partners Received More Than $246 Million From George Soros: 100 of the 544 Women’s March partners received a total of $246,637,217 from Soros between 2000 and 2014. Soros gave more than $1 million to 36 of those partners, including the Center for Reproductive Rights,, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
  • Partners Hostile to Christians and Conservative Values: Soros money goes to many causes openly hostile to people of faith and their values. The ACLU, which received $37.3 million from Soros, has tried repeatedly to close Catholic hospitals and “emboldened” criminals in Chicago. The Center for American Progress (backed by $12.2 million from Soros) used the Orlando nightclub shooting to bash Christians. Even Human Rights Watch, which tracks human rights violations around the globe, ignores the right to life for the unborn and supports abortion giant Planned Parenthood.
  • March Excluded Pro-Life Voices: Soros is one of Planned Parenthood’s largest donors, and has given at least $21.2 million since 2000. While Planned Parenthood partnered with and sponsored the Women’s March, at least two pro-life groups were removed from the march’s “partners” page. Organizers added “safe, legal, affordable abortion” as a core principle of the march, alienating the conservative, pro-life women (and men) who otherwise supported the march.

Click here to read the full report.