CensorTrack Database

6,914 Documented Cases
187 187
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
83 83
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
32 32
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
27 27
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
18 18
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
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Displaying 181 - 200 of 299
Nick Fuentes
Controversial commentator Nick Fuentes permanently banned from Twitter: Nick Fuentes, a highly controversial political commentator who has been accused of being a holocaust-denier and white…
Savannah Edwards
TikTok permanently bans black female user who has been making waves with videos dismantling the left's narrative on race: As a black millennial, Savannah Edwards has made a name…
Facebook restricts sharing of well-known NYC dentist's website: Facebook has blocked both the public and private sharing of the URL to Dr. Theodore Belfor's website on its platform. When…
Twitter restricts sharing and liking a COVID-19 vaccine injury report: Izzy, who claims to be a Breaking911 writer, tweeted a video clip from a press conference held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) which…
Facebook places sharing restrictions on MRCTV article: MRCTV shared an article about a New Hampshire school that wrote numbers on the hands of unvaccinated students without COVID-19 vaccination cards…
Tyler Fischer
Comedian unable to upload video of podcast episode about vaccines to YouTube until he changes the video's title, description and monetization properties: Comedian Tyler Fischer could not get a…
Kory Yeshua
Audio removed from viral TikTok video rebuking critical race theory for kids, Link unable to be shared: Father Kory Yeshua, whose video with his daughter rebuking critical race theory went viral on…
Amala Ekpunobi
TikTok permanently bans gen Z PragerU personality after two seven-day suspensions: TikTok permanently banned new PragerU personality, Amala Ekpunobi immediately after two back-to-back "seven-day"…
Michelle Malkin
Twitter blocks journalist Michelle Malkin from sharing link to her BitChute channel in a tweet: After realizing her YouTube channel could soon be disabled Malkin took to Twitter to notify her…
Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan says Twitter blocked his attempt to send a private message which included a link to a video about ivermectin: Joe Rogan said in an episode of his wildly popular podcast "The Joe…
Daily Mail
Facebook blocks sharing of Daily Mail article about BLM co-founder's controversial multi-million dollar real estate empire: Facebook has blocked the ability for users on its platform to …
James O'Keefe
SILENCED! Twitter Suspends Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe Permanently Alec Schemmel April 15th, 2021 5:31 PM Roughly two months after banning Project Veritas, Twitter has permanently…
Abigail Marone
Instagram restricts Abigail Marone from sharing New York Post article on BLM Founder's $1.4M home purchase:  On April 15, former Trump campaign staffer and current press secretary for Senator…
Abigail Marone
Facebook restricts Abigail Marone from sharing New York Post article on BLM Founder's $1.4M home purchase:  On April 15, former Trump campaign staffer and current press secretary for Senator…
New York Post
Instagram blocks sharing of NY Post article about BLM co-founder's controversial property acquisitions: Instagram was acquired by Facebook in 2012, therefore, restrictions and bans of users, or…
The Truth Gazette
Facebook restricts user from sharing New York Post article on BLM Founder's $1.4M home purchase:  On April 15, a Facebook user tried to share the New York Post's article detailing BLM co-founder…
New York Post
Facebook blocks sharing of NY Post article about BLM co-founder's controversial property acquisitions: Citing its policy around privacy and personal information, Facebook has blocked its …
Twitter permanently suspends user for pointing out hypocrisy: A Twitter user received what is reportedly a permanent ban from Twitter. The user reported that she was responding to another Twitter…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship. The censored user had tweeted: "They're not 'vaccine passports,' they're movement…
Twitter censors user's tweet regarding the euphemisms used to make COVID-19 policies more palatable: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "They're not 'vaccine passports,' they're movement…