
Sen. J.D. Vance
The Media Research Center released reports using X’s AI Grok to reveal how X’s algorithms use four core metrics (ranging from 0 to 100) to suppress or promote members of congress and accounts of…
The Maine Wire
Facebook removes troves of posts by Maine newspaper: Facebook reportedly deleted 3,652 posts by Maine-based news and investigative journalism paper The Maine Wire. According to the paper,…
New York Post
X (formerly Twitter) Community Notes fact checks right-leaning media outlet: The New York Post posted an article June 22 with the title, “Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck at International Space…
Tejas Rathore
Instagram deletes user's post, calls it "spam": A user was responding to a post on Instagram and made some innocuous points about power and responsibility, especially for women, and that everyone…
Star Wars Theory
YouTube restricts ads on a video reviewing negative fan reaction to the newest Star Wars show: A YouTube channel known as Star Wars Theory uploaded a video that discussed the growing fan…
Nature is Amazing
X community adds a context note to Nature is Amazing post: The Nature is Amazing X account posted a photo of a shark with the caption, "A 392 year old Greenland Shark in the Arctic Ocean,…
Elon Musk
X community adds a context note to Elon Musk's post: X owner Elon Musk posted "It’s patently absurd that Apple isn’t smart enough to make their own AI, yet is somehow capable of ensuring…
Shannon Joy
X reportedly locks Shannon Joy out of her account for "suspicious activity": Conservative radio host Shannon Joy reported on June 7, 2024 that she had been locked out of her main X account "because…
Saber Khai
X censors user for using a colloquialism: An X user shared screenshots of censorship notices issues by the platform. The user had posted "Oh good. you never seemed like the type to pull an ESPN, but…
X community adds a context note to Adobe's post: The X account for software company Adobe posted "We recently made an update to our Terms of Use with the goal of providing more clarity on a…
X community adds a context note to Variety's post: The X account for entertainment media outlet Variety posted "Ashton Kutcher says you'll soon be able to 'render a whole movie' using AI. '…
Kelly McCarty
X restricts user's account without explanation: X user NONBidenary (@KellyLMcCarty) reported that X had restricted her account for a week. According to a purported screenshot shared by McCarty,…
Fr. Marc Lyden-Smith
X community adds a context note to user's D-Day post: Father Marc Lyden-Smith posted on X to honor the anniversary of D-Day. He wrote "On #DDay, 90% of the soldiers on the first boats didn'…
Facebook removed links to website dedicated to debunking false claims about Robert F Kennedy, Jr: Anna Matson, creator and owner of a pro-RFK Jr. website, reported she had received…
Instagram censors user's post of a rail sliding attraction in China: An Instagram user posted a video depicting people riding a sled down some rails in a grass field with some impressive clouds in…
NBC New York
X (formerly Twitter) Community Notes fact-checks legacy media’s post: NBC New York posted on X May 12 an article link with the explanation, “Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was met with a wave of boos Sunday…
Kings Church
Facebook censors Kings Church post sharing what ministries it conducted recently: Kings Church in Washington D.C. posted about the events of the weekend of May 4-5. The post shared about its Sunday…
Peter Henlein
X community adds a context note to user's post: An X user posted "This is Kristi Noem’s puppy Cricket that she killed. Imagine throwing this beautiful boy into a gravel pit and shooting it…
Luke Rudkowski
YouTube deletes video from 2012 for unknown reason: Popular content creator Luke Rudkowski shared a purported screenshot on his X account of a YouTube censorship notice. According to the notice, one…
Instagram's Threads unilaterally blocked VDARE.com: Users are unable to post links to VDARE.com on Threads. Those who try are met with a notice that reads "Link not allowed."