Shaun Attwood
Case #

True-crime YouTuber has channel terminated twice, purportedly over his coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein case: Shaun Attwood alerted his audience on Twitter that YouTube reportedly twice terminated his channel. "YouTube DELETED @shaunattwood's entire channel," tweeted Matt Orfalea, another YouTuber who has experienced his own censorship on the platform. "Earlier today, they reinstated it, but half his channel has been removed, including videos putting a critical eye on Jeffrey Epstein, Scientology, & Bill Gates." Following each termination Attwood appealed his channel's termination, which YouTube purportedly noted was the result of Attwood's channel violating its "harassment, threats and cyberbullying policy." Attwood explained in his second appeal, which he posted screenshots of to Twitter, that "The violations revolve around news/educational coverage of high-profile sex-abuse court cases documented in the media eg Epstein." Attwood continued that YouTube's guidelines permit "debating 'high-profile officials or leaders: Content featuring debates or discussions of topical issues concerning individuals who have positions of power....'" Attwood also explained in his appeal that after receiving his first strike he requested guidance from YouTube, but it never came. "I visited Google HQ in London, only to be told to contact support." Attwood added that "As a precautionary measure [he] deleted 40% of [his] channel, almost 60 million views." He also said that he "completely stopped covering the Epstein case, with no intention to resume." YouTube eventually admitted its mistake and reinstated Attwood's channel a few days after he purged, according to Attwood, 40 percent of his channel.     

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