Jamie Glazov
Case #

Meta-owned Facebook disabled the account of FrontPage Magazine editor Jamie Glazov on April 4 over discussion of Islamic Terrorism

From FrontPage Magazine Doubles Down Against Big Tech Giants: ‘We Won’t Censor Ourselves

by Catherine Salgado

Daniel Greenfield, a journalism fellow for FrontPage Magazine’s David Horowitz Freedom Center, announced on April 15, “[W]e won’t censor ourselves for Big Tech cash.” He noted that Google, Twitter and Facebook (owned by Meta) have all censored individuals connected with the outlet, with Facebook being the latest culprit.

Most recently, Greenfield wrote, Google AdSense demonetized FrontPage and Facebook disabled the account of FrontPage Editor Jamie Glazov [on April 4] for discussing Islamic terrorism…

Facebook disabled Glazov’s account over an interview headlined  “Oct. 7 Coming to the USA?” Facebook reportedly asserted that the interview, which discussed accused terrorists crossing into America through the open southern border, violated “community standards” and threatened “the security of people on Facebook.”

Greenfield referred to a 2023 decision from Meta’s Oversight Board that the term “shaheed” or martyr, used by Muslims to refer to jihadis killed while engaging in terrorism, was protected by freedom of expression. In fact, according to Greenfield, pro-terrorist groups and jihadis have used Facebook without censorship over the years. [Glazov’s account appears to have been restored by Facebook.]

Account Disabled
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Account Disabled