
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors Pro-Life organization's tweet about a Christmas tree topper made of abortion clamps: Pro-life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted the following: "Christmas is all about…
Twitter censors user for posting abortion photo: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He admitted that he used to post abortion photos, and in this instance had included one…
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors Pro Life Organization for its Giving Tuesday promotion: Pro Life organization Pro-Life Action League attempted to promote its Giving Tuesday push on Twitter. As with most things that…
Show The Truth
Twitter censors local news coverage of pro-life protest in Ontario: Pro-Life organization Show The Truth held a protest in Lindsay, ON in late October. The local news station for Kawartha Lakes…
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors meme with image of an embryo: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League took to Twitter before the election with an important message. They tweeted: "Why vote pro-life on #…
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors video of a nun explaining why voting pro-life is the most important factor in the 2020 election: Pro-life organization Pro-Life Action League was censored by Twitter over a pro-…
Twitter censors user encouraging Louisiana voters to vote yes on a pro-life ballot measure: A Twitter user tweeted the following in advance of the 2020 election: "#louisiana Vote YES on #1 #ProLife #…
Pro-Life Action League
Twitter censors pro-life Op-Ed from USA Today: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted a pro-life op-ed piece from USA Today. When the organization simply re-tweeted the article, titled…
Camilo Sinfuegos
Twitter censors user for a pro-life message: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "#ProLife #proTrump #Trump2020 @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris are trying to kill babies even when they are months old…
Tracy Vidal
Twitter censors pro-life message: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "I’m 3 weeks behind. Don’t care. @PPFA‘s response here was the most #prolife thing they’ve ever said. Babies are babies…
Drou Bre
Twitter censors pro-life message: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Pro Life inside and out of the womb." He included several images. One shows a baby, and text that says: "Pro Life: No Other…
Ty Arbrough
Twitter censors pro-life voter's guide: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Abortion is the No. 1 issue of our time. Vote accordingly. @AR_RTL #ProLife #2020Election." He included an image of the…
Pro-Life Action League
Twitter censors article explaining that number of abortions most closely linked to abortion laws passed, nothing else: Pro-life organization Pro-Life Action League shared an article from National…
Just weeks before a presidential election an article from LifeNews.com charging VP-candidate Kamala Harris with trying to put pro-life journalists in jail for uncovering evidence Planned…
A video from Pro-Life nonprofit Created Equal that shows the moments inside a delivery room when a mother gave birth to premature twins who were reportedly denied care by health professionals…
Pro-Life Action League
Twitter censors pro-life video: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted: "'Life Offers Endless Opportunities. Abortion Offers None.' Great new video from Louisiana Right to Life." A link…
The Daily Caller
The Daily Caller, a right-wing digital news outlet, is reportedly having its Google search results suppressed, according to Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll. Ingersoll noticed that when a…
Eric Cochran
Project Veritas whistleblower Eric Cochran reported getting permanently banned from Reddit after commenting on a thread regarding Pinterest's ban of pro-life group Live Action. Screenshots and…
J Hoops
Twitter censors pro-life meme: A Twitter user replied to a tweet that Joe Biden made about the Supreme Court. His reply said "You would be pro life #creepyjoe if it meant more kids for you to 'sniff…
Twitter censors image of a person holding a Vote Republican sign: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Christians should not be nuetral or play safe in this election. Its not about the persons but…