Trump Impeachment 1 and 2

Corinne Weaver | November 11, 2019

CNN can’t even tell people whether naming the whistleblower is illegal. But tech companies are now the judge and jury for the common user.

Facebook and YouTube announced that they would delete content that named the whistleblower…

Joseph Vazquez | October 31, 2019

The Washington Post celebrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s scheduled Halloween impeachment vote (ironic) as a fulfillment of an ongoing mission by liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic Party primary candidate Tom Steyer since 2017.


Corinne Weaver | October 9, 2019

Facebook is standing by its new approach to political advertising, despite sharp criticism from the left.

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign asked Facebook to remove President Trump’s ad on Oct. 8,…

Alexa Moutevelis | October 5, 2019

Comedian Terrence K. Williams of “The Deplorables” comedy troupe, pleaded for help Friday amidst fears Twitter was targeting his account for his support of President Trump. A popular blue check conservative with over 600,000 followers…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2019

In a jaw-dropping comparison, even for campaign rhetoric, liberal mega-donor and 2020 Democratic candidate Tom Steyer compared his multimillion impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump to fighting Nazis.

“When I started…

Julia A. Seymour | July 8, 2019

Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer is such a tease.

The California mega-donor teased the media with a presidential run early in 2019, only to announce he wasn’t running. Now new reports suggest the major Democratic contributor and…

Julia A. Seymour | June 19, 2019

The left’s latest attempt to rally support for impeachment was a massive failure with everyone but Hollywood and some media. Liberal Billionaire Tom Steyer’s Need to Impeach group was joined by MoveOn, the Women’s March,…

Julia A. Seymour | June 4, 2019

Anti-Trump California billionaire Tom Steyer leads the Need to Impeach “movement,” and Next Gen America political group. ABC wasn’t honest enough to make that clear for readers on June 1.

Instead, the network misled them…

Corinne Weaver | March 25, 2019

One of Google and YouTube’s trusted partners is not exactly trustworthy when it comes to reporting the facts.

Google and YouTube elevated Wikipedia to the level of fact by using the volunteer-run encyclopedia site to fill in the…

Julia A. Seymour | March 25, 2019

Liberals and the media were obsessed with the idea that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia. California billionaire Tom Steyer expected the investigation would provide proof of “collusion.” He cited it as one of 10 reasons to…

Julia A. Seymour | November 13, 2018

Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer is taking a victory lap now that Democrats have won a majority in the House of Representatives. But voters should wonder why broadcast networks failed to report on his $120-million dollar efforts to flip the House…

Julia A. Seymour | November 6, 2018

If Democrats manage to obtain a majority in the House of Representatives, lefty California billionaire and mega-donor Tom Steyer doesn’t want them working with the Republicans to get things done.

Steyer told Slate staff writer Jim…

Gabriel Hays | September 19, 2018

A new study of YouTube exposed what it called a “conspiracy ecosystem” of content creators that tried to connect prominent conservatives with a well-known racist and package them together as “far-right” or “…

Gabriel Hays | August 24, 2018

Editor’s note: Story contains profanity.

Comedian Bill Maher donated $1 million to Senate Democrats to try to help them retake a majority as a result of the midterm elections this November.

Maher, an aggressive…

Julia A. Seymour | August 13, 2018

After already committing $110 million to his midterm efforts, California billionaire Tom Steyer said he would spend even more to turn out liberal voters in November.

At a Lansing, Mich., town hall on Aug. 13, Steyer announced he would…

Julia A. Seymour | July 31, 2018

The midterm elections are slightly more than three months away, and already the Impeach Trump crusader Tom Steyer plans to spend at least $110 million on this election cycle.

Politico reported on July 31, that it will make the California…

Julia A. Seymour | July 2, 2018

In a recent Rolling Stone interview, liberal billionaire Tom Steyer said perhaps a “nuclear war” would turn people against President Donald Trump, and “then we get a real course correction.”

Contributing editor Tim…

Paul Wilson | June 29, 2018

Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann has some advice for impeachment crusader Tom Steyer — buy a radio network.

Hartmann wrote on left-wing Salon on June 26, “If liberal billionaires like Tom Steyer want to have a real…

Callista Ring | June 20, 2018

In case there’s any doubt left about the political leanings of billionaire media mogul Michael Bloomberg. The former Republican, turned “Independent” announced he will spend $80 million supporting Democrats in the 2018 midterm…

Julia A. Seymour | June 12, 2018

Billionaire Tom Steyer won’t be alone in pouring millions into the 2018 midterms to get liberals elected. The Washington Post reported on June 9, that fellow liberal billionaire George Soros also intends to spend at least $15 million to…