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The midterm elections are slightly more than three months away, and already the Impeach Trump crusader Tom Steyer plans to spend at least $110 million on this election cycle.

Politico reported on July 31, that it will make the California billionaire “the largest single source of campaign cash on the left.” Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has committed $80 million to try to “flip the House.”

The difference between Steyer and many other donors is that he’s spending millions on his own liberal organizations — a move Politico described as “placing him on a path to create a parallel party infrastructure with polling, analytics and staffing capabilities that stand to shape and define the issues the party runs on in November.”

Steyer is spending $40 million on his Need to Impeach organization, and millions more on his NextGen America group. Politico found he’d also contributed $5 million to his own For Our Future PAC to support specific candidates.

The article noted his organizations have almost 1,000 employees and more than 2,000 volunteers and an email list of more than 5.5 million people.


“Our list is bigger than the NRA’s — and we’re going to make sure that it votes that way in 2018,” Need to Impeach lead strategist Kevin Mack told Politico.

However, his impeachment goals have already put him at odds with some Democratic Party leaders in Washington.

“In just the last decade, Steyer skyrocketed to become the Democratic Party’s biggest donor, only to leave that behind to invest in his own organizations and causes, to the irritation of party leaders — particularly those who worry that he’ll hurt them politically by talking up impeachment,” Politico wrote.


Generally, the liberal media have taken two approaches when it comes to liberal donors: failure to cover them and their spending (even as they smear conservative donors) or praise for the liberal donors. In the past, journalists have portrayed Steyer as an environmental hero for his green energy companies, but disregarded the hypocrisy of having a fortune build on coal.

Much more recently, reporters have ignored his controversial remarks including an absurd conversation regarding President Trump and Adolf Hitler.