CensorTrack Database

6,925 Documented Cases
189 189
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
83 83
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
32 32
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
28 28
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
18 18
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 2541 - 2560 of 2701
Hippie Asteroid Frog
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Kyle Rittenhouse meme
A meme including a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man being charged with murder for shooting an aggressor at a Kenosha, Wisconsin protest, and the words "STAND BACK AND STAND…
Billy Hodge
Facebook censors user for a joking comment about mail-in voting: A Twitter user reported that his friend was censored by Facebook. The friend made the following joking comment to a friend about his…
Donald J. Trump
An advertisement from the Trump campaign, which connected Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden's immigration policy with the danger it could pose Americans during the coronavirus pandemic, was…
Alan Myron
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. His…
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Chris Whalen
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Tony Heller
Tony Heller, the creator of RealClimateScience.com, had a video removed from YouTube for violating the platform's policies on sharing information about the coronavirus. The video showed a German…
Betsie Gray
Twitter censors user for saying that voter fraud exists: A Twitter user reported that her account was censored for commenting about voter fraud. She explained that she tweeted that "Voter Fraud is a…
Secret SoSHHiety
This user's account was locked and forced to delete a tweet containing a satirical video compilation of Joe Biden touching girls. Twitter stated the video violated its rules against its child sexual…
Dr. Heiko Schoning
Dr. Heiko Schoning was arrested while speaking about COVID-19 at a rally in London. A video of Dr. Schoning speaking about his arrest, and COVID-19, following his release was deleted from…
Twitter censors user for criticizing Jill Biden: A Twitter user took to Parler to complain that her Twitter account had been restricted for a tweet in which she criticized Jill Biden. She was…
Roberta Brown
Facebook censors pics of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported censorship on their Facebook account. Facebook deleted their post of a pic collage of Joe Biden touching young…
Isabel Coburn
Twitter censors user for calling Kamala a bad name: A Twitter user tweeted at Kamala Harris the following: "She didn't have to be a whore to get where she is. F U Bitxh." Twitter says that this is…
Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog, had a video about the security concerns of mail-in-voting removed from YouTube. The organization's president, Tom Fitton, indicated via Twitter that the video…
Ron H
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Grizzly Bear
This user attempted to share a photo of Kyle Rittenhouse on Facebook and it was subsequently blocked from being shared or seen by others on the platform. Numerous users indicated that their…
Marc Morano
Marc Morano, a former republican aide for U.S. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla) and the founder and publisher of ClimateDepot.com, a right-wing climate news aggregation site, had his film "Climate Hustle 2…
Mallory Thompson
Twitter censors user for providing correct information on when to vote: A Twitter user had her account locked and was forced to delete a tweet that provided the correct information on when election…
Mark Stouffer
Twitter censors user for posting image from Newsweek article about Richard Spencer endorsing Biden: A Twitter user reported that his account was locked and restricted for a tweet he made. The…