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Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "I live in a reality based world, not a fairy tale world.…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted "Oh please. That's no woman. That's a thief who thinks she's…
Stevie Tyles
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Well, yall dont say you want to cut little boys dicks off,…
Dwight Voeks
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Great example of gender dysphoria. It's a mental disease…
Jen T
Instagram censors images from LGBTQ+ book found in schools: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Instagram censorship notice. She had posted images from the book "Gender Queer." These images are…
Paul Bradshaw
Facebook removes a user for spam: Paul Bradshaw posted a comment which reads: "Mayday! Mayday!" according to a screenshot. The screenshot also shows that Facebook prevented other users from…
Dr. John Campbell
YouTube removes video from retired healthcare professional’s account for “medical misinformation”: Retired Nurse Teacher and healthcare expert Dr. John Campbell posted a video on YouTube May 8…
STL Tifosi
Twitter censors user for tweet about Dylan Mulvaney: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. The user tweeted "Bullshit. Do you really think that @budlight hired you…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "There's two genders. All the rest are mental disorders."…
Drew Noftle
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Because mutilating children's sex organic is barbaric, you…
Jillian Torkelson
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Stop! Just stop! You are erasing real women! You can…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "This guy needs a good swift kick in the backside. He needs…
Kim Iversen
YouTube removed Kim Iversen's interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. nearly two months after she posted it: YouTube reportedly removed independent journalist Kim Iversen's video interview with…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted ""No it's because you're famous. I still get banned all the…
Charles Metcalf
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted "Anything you say after this I will not reply simply because I have…
Craig Massner
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted "Sexual dysmorphia is a mental illness and should be treated as such…
Anonymous Reddit User
Reddit moderator permanently bans 'lifelong Democrat' from r/Democrats for not supporting Biden: A Reddit moderator permanently banned u/boxmuncher1996 from the subreddit r/Democrats when the user…
Indie News Network
YouTube suspends Indie News Network for posting TNT Live interview between Misty Winston and Jimmy Dore: The Indie News Network YouTube channel shared a video from TNT Live featuring Misty Winston…
Anonymous Reddit User
Reddit moderator permanently bans 'lifelong Democrat' from r/Democrats for not supporting Biden: A Reddit moderator permanently banned u/boxmuncher1996 from the subreddit r/Democrats when the user…
Stupid USA
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted "I'll say it: a woman is a human being that is born with a…