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Kyle Gillis
Kyle Gillis | June 9, 2010

Even the food police can’t catch every criminal.

At least that was the tone of a June 8 AP brief regarding a report by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council claiming that the Food and Drug Administration is “stretched…

Kyle Gillis | June 3, 2010

The old saying used to go ‘you are what you eat,’ but now the media wants that saying to be ‘you are what you see.’


News outlets from Time to Business Week picked up on a study released June 1 by the Journal of American…

Kyle Gillis | June 2, 2010

If Jean Healge had been in “Mean Girls,” it’s safe to say she wouldn’t have been a member of The Plastics.

In a story light on facts but heavy on praise, CNN’s “American Morning” profiled Heagle and her two and a half-year quest to rid…

Kyle Gillis | June 1, 2010

In The New York Times’ view, industries should surrender to government demands no matter what it would do to their bottom line.

On May 29, the Times wrote a long article called “The Hard Sell on Salt,” that unsympathetically outlined the…

Kyle Gillis | May 28, 2010

Despite the fact that both The New York Times and NBC Nightly News have Facebook pages, they don’t appear to be friends of the social networking juggernaut.


On May 26, the media reported on Facebook’s announcement that it is…

Kyle Gillis | May 26, 2010

If network bias was measured in calories, then NBC Nightly News would be a double bacon cheeseburger.


On May 25, both NBC and CBS’s evening news broadcasts ran stories about a “study” by the left-leaning Center for Science in…