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Kyle Gillis
Kyle Gillis | July 9, 2010

The next time you want to gauge how bad the economy is, don’t check the unemployment rate or the stock market. Instead, look to see if anyone is dressed as a cow at the local Chick-fil-A.

Time Magazine posted a somewhat lighthearted…

Kyle Gillis | July 7, 2010

Forget about Elena Kagan. Better make room for Time magazine’s Adam Cohen on the Supreme Court.

In a July 7 “Case Study” article for Time magazine, reporter Cohen bemoaned the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. Federal Election…

Kyle Gillis | July 1, 2010

The next time an environmental story in the New York Times smells fishy, double-check to make sure its not the residue of old sun tan lotion you smell.

In a June 28 story for the Gloucester Times, reporter Nancy Gaines revealed an…

Kyle Gillis | July 1, 2010

Lex Luthor has ten new members to invite to the next Legion of Doom meeting.

During the past week, compiled a “Most Hateable Companies (not named BP)” list because it didn’t want the BP oil spill to “completely overshadow all…

Kyle Gillis | July 1, 2010

The Washington Post and BP may seem like the oddest couple since Felix and Oscar, but they’ve been spending a lot of time — and money — together.

A BMI study found that the Washington Post earned up to $455,652 on 17 BP ads during the…

Kyle Gillis | June 30, 2010

After more than two months criticizing BP for its handling of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it seems some in the media are desperate for new angles. Now, they’re attacking BP’s corporate contributions.

In a June 30 Washington…