Gabriel Hays
Contributing Writer

Staff writer for MRC Culture. Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow. University of Dallas Class of '16.  

Gabriel Hays | June 19, 2018

The SPLC “has apologized to Quilliam and its founder Maajid Nawaz for wrongly naming them in its controversial Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists,” wrote Quilliam about the settlement.

It added: “In a public statement…

Gabriel Hays | June 14, 2018

Stranger Things star and Hollywood It Girl Millie Bobby Brown recently deleted her Twitter account after being made the subject of satirical homophobic memes.

The 14-year-old actress had been targeted by internet trolls, who were…

Gabriel Hays | June 14, 2018

Elton John has been contributing to the social media censorship debate, urging social media companies to further crackdown on hate-speech. If they don’t wise up, the legendary singer is calling for a boycott.

Sir Elton John sat down…

Gabriel Hays | June 13, 2018

An Israeli Minister has demanded that Twitter police the official Hamas and Hezbollah social media accounts for being “actively engaged in inciting and executing attacks against innocent civilians.”


Gabriel Hays | June 11, 2018

After decades of anti-Semitism and other racism, Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s sermon on the “Satanic Jew” has prompted Twitter to unverify the minister’s social media account.

On Wednesday, Farrakhan, the leader…

Gabriel Hays | June 8, 2018

Openly socialist director David Simon brought his classic writing style to political commentary by telling Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: “Die of boils, @jack.”

Simon, the creator of HBO’s The Wire and a self-…