Gabriel Hays
Contributing Writer

Staff writer for MRC Culture. Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow. University of Dallas Class of '16.  

Gabriel Hays | September 6, 2018

On Wednesday, MRC’s Dan Gainor appeared alongside tech expert Lance Ulanoff on Fox Business’ After the Bell to discuss Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s testimony before Congress. At the hearing the Dorsey denied any allegations that…

Gabriel Hays | September 5, 2018

During Wednesday’s Senate hearing concerning foreign influence on social media platforms, Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey stated that his goal in combating the proliferation of fake or misleading accounts was to amplify the voices of…

Gabriel Hays | August 29, 2018

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor recently appeared on the Fox Business Network’s After the Bell to discuss President Donald Trump’s concerns about conservative censorship online and to call for "fairness…

Gabriel Hays | August 24, 2018

Editor’s note: Story contains profanity.

Comedian Bill Maher donated $1 million to Senate Democrats to try to help them retake a majority as a result of the midterm elections this November.

Maher, an aggressive…

Gabriel Hays | July 17, 2018

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, came out swinging at the House Judiciary hearing about censoring conservatives. He criticized Facebook’s eagerness to address Democrat questions about Russian use of the platform, but less so about GOP inquiries…

Gabriel Hays | June 26, 2018

The Wire creator David Simon is back to his old haunts and old ways. And by old ways, we mean tweeting his classic insult “Die of Boils!” at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Almost three weeks ago, Simon was temporarily suspended from…