Catherine Salgado
Contributing Writer/Contractor

Catherine Salgado is a Contributing Writer and former Staff Writer/Researcher with MRC Free Speech America. She also has a column, Washington's Bayonette, on The Rogue Review and her own SubStack newsletter, Pro Deo et Libertate. Catherine previously wrote for The National Pulse and is a graduate of Christendom College with a degree in Classical Languages and Theology. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review.

Catherine Salgado | October 26, 2021

The U.S. Senate hearing on SnapChat, TikTok, and YouTube today made one thing very clear: TikTok does not appear to want to give straight answers about its connection to China. But U.S. Senators took the Big Tech platform to the mat.


Catherine Salgado | October 22, 2021

Wisconsin Republicans are backing state bills to allow censored social media users to sue platforms for damages, in an attempt to target online censorship.

Two Republican-backed bills in the Wisconsin state Assembly would “prohibit social…

Catherine Salgado | October 22, 2021

Twitter’s bout with free speech online continues. The platform censored U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for stating in a tweet that transgender admiral Dr. Rachel Levine was not “the first female anything” but a “dude who lived…

Catherine Salgado | October 20, 2021

Twitter Vice President of Trust and Safety Del Harvey has announced she is leaving the company. Harvey has been praised for making Twitter safe, but in fact she left a legacy of biased censorship.

Del Harvey announced via tweet thread…

Catherine Salgado | October 19, 2021

“This is terrifying for the United States of America,” said comedian Steven Crowder after he was censored by YouTube for a Louder with Crowder episode highlighting recent reports of “transgender” rape threat to women. YouTube issued the strike…

Catherine Salgado | October 18, 2021

Facebook has reportedly exacerbated the southern U.S. border crisis by allowing illegal immigrants and even human smugglers to facilitate their activities on the company’s platforms. Meanwhile, posts combatting human trafficking were reportedly…