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Twitter’s bout with free speech online continues. The platform censored U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for stating in a tweet that transgender admiral Dr. Rachel Levine was not “the first female anything” but a “dude who lived the first 50 years of his life as a man.” Taylor Greene was met with a storm of leftist fury on the platform.

Dr. Rachel Levine, a “transgender,” was sworn in Tuesday as the nation’s “first female four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps’ history,” per CBS News. Taylor Greene tweeted her personal frustration at celebrating “transgender” Levine as a history-maker. Taylor Greene's tweet appeared to be a response to CBS News reporting that Levine is the nation’s “first female four-star admiral” in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps’ history. Twitter issued Taylor Greene’s tweet about Levine a “hateful conduct” violation warning at the time of this article’s publication. Twitter placed the warning label prominently above Taylor Greene’s tweet and also put sharing restrictions on the tweet.

Taylor Greene said in her tweet above a picture of Levine: “A dude who lived the first 50 years of his life as a man isn’t the first female anything. China is laughing at us.” Leftists, both on Twitter and in the media, quickly began reporting Taylor Greene for “Targeted Harassment” and slamming her for alleged “hate speech.”

“This tweet has been reported as targeted harassment,” was only one of several replies from users who reported Taylor Greene. “@TwitterSafety @Twitter @TwitterSupport does she get to keep posting hate, or does she get consequences?” complained another Twitter user. “Just gathered the kids around and used @mtgreenee ‘s tweet as an example to what ‘hate speech’ is and how humans don’t treat other humans,” wrote another angry user. There’s nothing like slamming a female congressional representative for saying that the reported “first female four-star admiral” is actually a biological man.

Media outlets have published their outrage too. Yahoo! News and HuffPost ran the exact same story. “Critics slammed the Donald Trump-adoring, conspiracy theory-endorsing Greene for transphobia with her post,” huffed HuffPost. The story alleged that Greene has a history of “transphobic comments.”

Levine is the “first openly transgender four-star officer in any of the nation’s eight uniformed services,” reported CBS News. Levine is now the highest ranking United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps official. 

Twitter censored Catholic World Report in February for accurately identifying Levine as “a biological man identifying as a transgender woman.” Feminist Meghan Murphy was also permanently banned from the platform in 2018 for tweeting that “transgender” women are not men.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Twitter at (415) 222-9670 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.