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Callista Ring
MRC Contributing Writer
Callista Ring | November 18, 2016

Since the 2016 presidential election, the media have doubled down in their efforts to undermine president-elect Donald Trump.

On Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight on November 17, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture…

Callista Ring | November 7, 2016

The liberal news media are “trying to carry [Clinton] across the finish line,” according to MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

He slammed the media for its pro-Clinton bias on Fox…

Callista Ring | October 31, 2016

The left’s view of the media is riddled with hypocrisy, and Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden is a perfect example.

“The press is psychotic!!!” She wrote in an email to Clinton Campaign Chairman John…

Callista Ring | October 25, 2016

Major networks have downplayed Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server, but WikiLeaks revealed how one journalist told her to take it seriously and respond like Kennedy did to the Bay of Pigs disaster.

According to Wikileaks, The…

Callista Ring | October 24, 2016

Apparently, threats and taking hostages are all part of “peaceful” protesting, at least according to Dakota Access Pipeline protesters. Journalists Phelim McAleer and Magdalene Segieda learned that first hand after they were held…

Callista Ring | October 19, 2016

The mounting archive of WikiLeaks emails between Hillary Clinton and her staff continues to reveal the Democratic presidential candidate’s special relationship with members of the liberal news media.

Not only did she hold an off the…