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Callista Ring
MRC Contributing Writer
Callista Ring | February 21, 2018

Everytown for Gun Safety’s “flat wrong” claim that there have been 18 school shootings in 2018 continues to spread on social media. On Feb. 20, liberal donor and billionaire Tom Steyer quoted it in a tweet linking to a CNN story…

Callista Ring | February 20, 2018

Gun control activist and media mogul Michael Bloomberg isn’t just pushing gun control through his activist group — he also has a giant media company to promote the same views. Bloomberg media is filled with anti-gun content.…

Callista Ring | December 9, 2016

The media’s crusade against “fake news” on the Right is no more than an attempt to “shut down conservative outlets” according to Dan Gainor, MRC’s Vice President for Business and Culture.

Callista Ring | December 5, 2016

As traditional media continue to disparage President-elect Donald Trump’s every move, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor mocked the hate fest. “The American media have so lost their moorings since the post-…

Callista Ring | November 22, 2016

Donald Trump has continuously circumnavigated the media, proving that he “doesn’t need the media, he is the media,” according to MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

Following the confusion leading up…

Callista Ring | November 22, 2016

As the media continue to target president-elect Donald Trump, MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor urged the media to “start being professional and do their jobs right.”

On Fox Business…