Race Issues

Joseph Vazquez | June 9, 2020

Need any more proof that the structure ABC News operates under is radically left-wing?

The Walt Disney Company is pledging $5 million in “support of nonprofit organizations that advance social justice, beginning with a $2 million…

Heather Moon | June 9, 2020

GoFundMe slammed the door on a fund-raising campaign launched by conservative activist Candace Owens.

Fundraising platform GoFundMe censored Owens, a founder of the Blexit movement that encourages blacks to exit the Democratic Party,…

Joseph Vazquez | June 4, 2020

The news media are trying to rationalize violent riots.

CBS News published a piece headlined, “Protests underscore worsening racial wealth gaps: ‘Justifiable anger.’” Authors Aimee Picchi and Irina Ivanova exploited the murder of…

Joseph Vazquez | June 3, 2020

The hypocrisy of mega-rich celebrities calling for reparations for slavery is astonishing.

Black Entertainment Television Founder Robert Johnson, as summarized by CNBC, said that the “U.S. government should provide $14 trillion…

Corinne Weaver | October 9, 2019

Entertainment empires are turning to artificial intelligence to prevent offensive scripts from heading to the big screen.

Actress and activist Geena Davis announced that her new digital tool, “GD IQ: Spellcheck for Bias,” will…

Corinne Weaver | August 6, 2019

After the terrorist attack in El Paso, Texas, the liberal media are pointing the blame at President Donald Trump. And they want tech companies to do something about him.

The New York Times published an article detailing the number of…

Alexander Hall | January 23, 2019

A deleted Twitter account that originally posted the edited video of the Covington kids and Nathan Phillips is now under scrutiny and bears a number of suspicious earmarks.

Twitter has banned @2020fight, the account that tweeted the…

Gabriel Hays | June 11, 2018

After decades of anti-Semitism and other racism, Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s sermon on the “Satanic Jew” has prompted Twitter to unverify the minister’s social media account.

On Wednesday, Farrakhan, the leader…

Sam Dorman | September 12, 2016

When it came to covering voters’ most important issue, networks fumbled again in August. Instead, the networks spent more time tackling a football player who protested the national anthem.

Voters and presidential…

Sam Dorman | June 20, 2016

According to Huffington Post, the Grand Old Party will become the Dead Old Party at the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland. Cause of death? Support for presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

Taking plenty of shots at the GOP, historian…

Mira Ebersole | May 26, 2016

Huffington Post Business seized the opportunity to bash companies in an article about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and diversity.

Huffington Post Executive Editor for Business and Technology Emily Peck’s May 24…