Michael Bloomberg

Joseph Vazquez | January 22, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate and Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg said he’d have to “swallow two or three times” before he would “vote to convict” President Donald Trump.

But that may…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate and owner of Bloomberg News Michael Bloomberg weighed in on the liberal media-driven impeachment drama.

Bloomberg told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin on NBC's "Today Show" on…

Joseph Vazquez | January 14, 2020

Liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg may have just one-upped fellow liberal billionaire Tom Steyer in anti-Trump spending by being willing to burn through an unheard-of amount of money to defeat…

Joseph Vazquez | January 10, 2020

Liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has no problem imposing big-government policies on the economy. Yet Yahoo! Finance decided to pull its punches in its reporting by barely critiquing Bloomberg…

Joseph Vazquez | January 8, 2020

Liberal billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has been putting his money where his mouth is by spending millions on campaign ads attacking President Donald Trump. Now, he’s taking his left-wing campaign message to the Super…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2019

Bloomberg News drew fire earlier this year for making it company policy to not investigate its owner (liberal billionaire 2020 presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg) or his Democratic rivals going into the election. The company said they would…

Joseph Vazquez | December 23, 2019

The liberal media seem to only care about propping up billionaires when the views of the rich align with their own. The New York Times did an entire puff piece elevating the candidacy of liberal billionaire 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg, with…

Joseph Vazquez | December 20, 2019

The Washington Post’s owner reportedly urged fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg to run for president. Just don’t expect to see that admitted often by The Post.

A LexisNexis search revealed that The Post ran at least 122…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2019

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s company dedicates an entire webpage talking about the company’s commitment to “advancing women,” and apparently for his nonprofit Bloomberg Family Foundation, that means giving…

Joseph Vazquez | November 27, 2019

Is a new story from liberal outlet The Washington Post another instance of the pot calling the kettle black?

Liberal Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan decried liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 2020 candidacy in…

Joseph Vazquez | November 25, 2019

Liberal billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg decided to toss his hat into the already-crowded Democratic Party presidential primary race all at the expense of the credibility of a major news outlet he owns.

To deal…

Corinne Weaver | November 25, 2019

Parody accounts on Twitter are supposed to be protected under the platform’s terms of service. But the company seems to forget this fact on a regular basis.

A parody account of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, @ElBloombito, was briefly…

Joseph Vazquez | November 15, 2019

Liberal megadonor and potential 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg illustrated why the ongoing bellyache over money in politics by the liberal media reeks of hypocrisy.

The billionaire pledged to initiate a $100 million digital campaign…

Joseph Vazquez | November 15, 2019

Bloomberg News has relatively ignored reporting on their owner. Could that be because of a self-imposed gag rule on Bloomberg reporters?

The New York Times reported a November 14 story detailing liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg…

Corinne Weaver | November 11, 2019

Amazon’s influence might bring another Democratic presidential candidate to the stage.

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg recently filed to be on the Alabama ballot in the 2020 primary. This was reportedly confirmed by a…

Julia A. Seymour | September 9, 2019

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer are two of the wealthiest anti-fossil fuels crusaders. In June, Bloomberg promised to spend another $500 million eradicating coal and starting to target natural gas…

Joseph Vazquez | August 15, 2019

Recent shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, prompted left-wing anti-gun groups to go on a $2-million advertising binge calling for gun control. Liberal media mogul Michael Bloomberg’s group Everytown for Gun Safety led the pack of…

Joseph Vazquez | July 10, 2019

Liberal billionaire and former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg just gained two new Instagram fans: Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The liberal former mayor and climate activist is just one of 15 people the royal couple follow on the…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2019

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg reannounced a $500-million effort to eradicate coal and natural gas use in the U.S. on June 6. ABC, CBS and NBC news didn’t even flinch.

That night the three broadcast evening shows made no time for…

Joseph Vazquez III | June 6, 2019

Democratic presidential front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden gave Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal a big bear hug, with the release of his 22-page climate plan June 4.

The Atlantic called it a “mini green…