Michael Bloomberg

Joseph Vazquez | April 29, 2020

Multiple liberal outlets fumed at how conservative donors have funded groups who have supported lockdown protests across the country. But they avoided reporting how the left is outspending the right in this election cycle to outside groups by…

Joseph Vazquez | April 14, 2020

Bloomberg News shut down an investigation into Chinese Communist Party elites, fired the reporter on the beat and then targeted that reporter’s wife to keep her mouth shut, according to a new NPR report.

The Bloomberg reporters…

Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2020

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg may have failed his ridiculously expensive White House bid, but the amount of cash he continues to spend is still being put to use for Democratic Congressional contenders.

Data compiled by Advertising…

Joseph Vazquez | March 23, 2020

It looks as though liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg may have had other reasons why he was laying off his presidential campaign staff, and they could be interpreted as just downright cruel.

Bloomberg had reportedly told NY-area…

Joseph Vazquez | March 20, 2020

Promises made, promises — not kept?

Failed 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate Michael Bloomberg is now backtracking on his promise to use his multimillion-dollar campaign to support the presumptive Democratic nominee,…

Joseph Vazquez | March 4, 2020

Liberal billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer spent over $1 billion in their attempt to oust President Donald Trump from office, an effort that began even before their 2020 presidential campaigns.

In fact, it began when Steyer…

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2020

In liberal billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to buy the White House, recent data show that he’s averaging tens of millions of dollars spent plastering the airwaves and the internet with ads.

Joseph Vazquez | February 26, 2020

The liberal billionaire owner of Bloomberg News has spent less than one percent of his total net worth and has still topped a half-billion dollars in spending in an attempt to buy his way into the White House.

2020 Democratic presidential…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2020

Liberal billionaire Warren Buffett, who’s been fairly quiet this election cycle, took to CNBC to weigh in on the Democratic primary races. As it turns out, even The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion found self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie…

Corinne Weaver | February 21, 2020

Democrat candidate and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg tweeted a humorous video of his performance during the February 19 debate. Liberal journalists wanted the video taken down.

“There is no doubt that these videos are…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2020

Poor Paul Krugman. He’s been reduced to using zombie metaphors to illustrate his disdain for certain “centrist” Democratic presidential candidates.

Krugman wrote Feb. 17 that “sometimes zombie ideas also manage to…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is willing to spend $2 billion to defeat President Donald Trump, and he continues to put his money where his mouth is.

Advertising Analytics, which provides…

Joseph Vazquez | February 18, 2020

No wonder liberal billionaire 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg does not want his own news outlet investigating him. They might have to do journalism and risk exposing where his money has been going all these years.

The liberal New York…

Joseph Vazquez | February 13, 2020

You know politics have gotten weird when a liberal New York Times columnist begs Democrat voters to abandon Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in favor of nominating Michael Bloomberg to lead the Democratic ticket.

Times columnist Thomas L.…

Joseph Vazquez | February 13, 2020

Michael Bloomberg, who’s willing to spend $2 billion to beat President Donald Trump and spent more than $350 million plastering airwaves with his ads, is now paying people to plaster your Instagram accounts with terrible memes.


Joseph Vazquez | February 11, 2020

When billionaire President Donald Trump is successful in the social media game, the left either accuse him of Big Tech collaboration or want to censor him.

Yet when billionaire Democratic presidential candidate and owner of Bloomberg News…

Joseph Vazquez | February 10, 2020

Liberal outlet The Guardian reported Feb. 10, that conservative donor Sheldon Adelson is allegedly gearing up to spend $100 million to help boost President Donald Trump and Republican candidates this fall.

The outlet used its reporting (…

Joseph Vazquez | February 3, 2020

Liberal billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is whipping out ridiculous amounts of cash to beat President Donald Trump in November.

Recent Federal Election Commission records revealed that the campaign for the…

Joseph Vazquez | January 29, 2020

Just when you think today’s politics couldn’t get any more nuts, liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg decided to promote “Big Gay Ice Cream.”

The company being promoted, Big Gay Ice Cream…

Joseph Vazquez | January 23, 2020

The Washington Post’s “conservative blogger” Jennifer Rubin is at it again. This time she’s saying that liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg could help Democrats by using his vast wealth to support impeaching President…