Media Bias Debate

Joseph Vazquez | April 13, 2021

A leftist Washington Post contributor played loose with the facts on guns in her attempt to convince readers to support banning “assault-style weapons.”

Kaiser Health News Editor-in-Chief Elisabeth Rosenthal’s latest anti-gun op-ed was…

Joseph Vazquez | April 1, 2021

How appropriate! The New York Times filled its April Fools Day front-page with puff stories praising President Joe Biden’s leftist economic agenda.

Four Times stories dominated the front page with headlines promoting Biden’s disastrous…

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2021

An organization backed with millions of dollars from liberal billionaires Bill Gates and George Soros has launched a commission led by radical liberals to fight “mis- and disinformation.”

The commission, dubbed the Aspen…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2021

The activist leading the leftist “dark money” group behind the Iowa Democratic Caucus app fiasco is trying to funnel millions into her gambit to fight conservative media.

ACRONYM CEO and Democratic strategist Tara McGowan has been…

Joseph Vazquez | February 16, 2021

The grantmaking foundation of climate change fanatic Bill Gates has still been dumping millions of dollars into the taxpayer-funded National Public Radio.

This alone should be enough cause to revoke the outlet’s public funding.

Joseph Vazquez | January 26, 2021

The Washington Post tried to push propaganda that former President Donald Trump’s economy was terrible for minorities. One economist set the paper straight.

The Post’s story online was outrageously headlined, “The Trump economy left Black…

Joseph Vazquez | December 22, 2020

Editor's Note, 4:58 p.m. Eastern: According to FEC records, there is another Sara Murray in Washington D.C. at the same zip code whose occupation is a nutritionist. Prior to this post's publication, MRC reached out to several CNN officials for…

Alec Schemmel | December 15, 2020

Facebook has said that its fact-checkers are selected and certified through a so-called “non-partisan” organization. That’s not true. It was recently revealed that a prominent staffer is openly biased and supports former Democrat presidential…

Joseph Vazquez | November 30, 2020

It took Election Day being over for CNN to slam Democratic hypocrisy on the use of dark money. 


CNN took aim at the Democrats in a November 27 story: “Democrats have denounced anonymous money in politics for…

Joseph Vazquez | September 15, 2020

The liberal media are again peddling their anti-men-drinking-alcohol schtick. This time, The Washington Post pushed a very flawed government report recommending men should only have one drink a day.

The Dietary Guidelines…

Joseph Vazquez | September 3, 2020

Leftist ACRONYM, the organization behind the Iowa Democratic caucus app fiasco, now has its hyper-partisan news network Courier Newsroom under legal scrutiny.

Watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT) filed a legal complaint with…

Heather Moon | August 14, 2020

Recent questionable search results show Google appearing to conflate the opposing terms socialism and capitalism.

A Google search for “socialism and racism” shows that Google may be confused about the definition of socialism. When the…

Kayla Sargent | August 4, 2020

For years now, the progressive left and media have been quick to demonize the nation’s police officers, so it comes as no surprise that Big Tech is following the trend. 

A quick Google search of the word “demon” results in a…

Joseph Vazquez | June 12, 2020

CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.

Cuomo attacked Trump’s Director of the…

Joseph Vazquez | June 11, 2020

The New York Times continues to embarrass itself. This time, the paper claimed advertisers were pulling their Facebook ad spending because CEO Mark Zuckerberg balked at censoring President Donald Trump. 

But that story…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

Ten thousand examples of bias — all at once. ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows repeated the bias of the night before by ignoring a huge investment milestone.

The Nasdaq Composite stock index closed above 10,000 “for the first…

Joseph Vazquez | June 10, 2020

The corporate apparatus that oversees NBC News has again revealed itself to be a massive SJW media behemoth. And it is devoting $100 million to prove it. 

Comcast Corporation Chairman and CEO Brian Roberts issued a statement…

Joseph Vazquez | June 8, 2020

Disgraced former FBI lawyer and newly-minted MSNBC Legal Analyst Lisa Page seems to have found a way to make herself appear more biased.

Federal Election Commission records show that Page had contributed at least $300 to the Never-Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | June 4, 2020

The news media are trying to rationalize violent riots.

CBS News published a piece headlined, “Protests underscore worsening racial wealth gaps: ‘Justifiable anger.’” Authors Aimee Picchi and Irina Ivanova exploited the murder of…

Joseph Vazquez | June 2, 2020

Apparently, if you’re an icon of the African-American community who doesn’t stand in solidarity with the rioters, you risk being #canceled.

The New York Times published a scathing story against Louis Vuitton designer…