George Soros

Jeffrey Clark | November 17, 2022

Two groups linked to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and liberal billionaire George Soros are behind a massive pressure campaign aimed at sinking Twitter and destroying its advertising revenue after Elon Musk took control of the…

Joseph Vazquez | November 16, 2022

A group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros clamored for Twitter CEO Elon Musk to keep President Trump banned from the platform in an apparent effort to get ahead of former President Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign launch.


Jeffrey Clark | November 11, 2022

A climate extremist tied to billionaire George Soros was grilled online for pushing thinly veiled climate reparations as the world’s elites converge for another United Nations conference in Egypt on the environment.  


Jeffrey Clark | November 8, 2022

What do some of the world’s most powerful Big Tech oligarchs and nearly 30 rabidly pro-censorship organizations have in common? They all share an apparent disdain for free speech and received a total of $80,233,084 from liberal billionaire George…

Joseph Vazquez | November 8, 2022

One of the most watched news shows in the country aired the rantings of a George Soros-funded organization that vilified free speech on social media just two days before Election Day.

CBS’s 60 Minutes dedicated at least 522 seconds…

Jeffrey Clark | November 4, 2022

Why do conservatives care about liberal billionaire George Soros’ outsized influence in politics? Surprisingly, The New York Times just revealed at least 126 million reasons why Soros — the “largest donor of 2022” — is a big player in the Nov. 8…

Jeffrey Clark | November 2, 2022

The George Soros-funded ProPublica is scolding the Biden administration for supposedly caving to Republicans in the so-called “disinformation” fight with just days to go before the midterms. 

ProPublica adopted Ministry of Truth-…

Jeffrey Clark | October 31, 2022

In October, a leftist outlet funded by liberal billionaire George Soros shockingly poked holes in Communist Chinese Party (CCP), Big Tech and liberal media propaganda that the COVID-19 lab leak theory was debunked. ProPublica’s story revealed a…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2022

Another assortment of groups funded with millions of dollars from liberal billionaire George Soros are adding to the number of groups demanding that Big Tech unleash a censorship Armageddon against so-called election “disinformation.”

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2022

Another group heavily financed by liberal billionaire George Soros is joining a growing network of organizations he funds calling on Big Tech to do more to censor so-called election “disinformation” before the midterms.

Leftist group…

Paiten Iselin | October 20, 2022

The U.S. midterm elections are just around the corner and the legacy media have donned their activist hats. The liberal media have been calling on social media platforms to more actively combat so-called “misinformation” online.


Jeffrey Clark | October 14, 2022

Leftist billionaire George Soros just poured another $1 million into trying to make failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams the next governor of the state. But instead of reporting on the Soros-Abrams connection, the Big Three…

Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros funded groups that are now urging the heads of major Big Tech platforms to step up their censorship just before the 2022 midterm elections.

The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights…

Catherine Salgado | October 12, 2022

It appears that leftist, George Soros-tied PolitiFact is now running interference for a group that worked with the federal government and Big Tech to censor online speech in 2020.

A PolitiFact fact-check from Oct. 11 claimed, “[Election…

Jeffrey Clark | October 5, 2022

An executive at a group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is a radical leftist who has supported defunding the police. She has since been tapped to become vice chair of the Biden Treasury Department’s brand-new racial equity committee.…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2022

Leave it to the leftist hacks at Mother Jones to wield a George Soros-funded group to wokescold American businesses that donated to those darn 2020 GOP “election deniers.”

Mother Jones railed in an Oct. 3 story headlined “Corporate…

Jeffrey Clark | September 30, 2022

Convention of States president Mark Meckler torched the George Soros-funded, anti-American organizations working to undermine his mission of “restor[ing] a culture of self-governance in America and to curtail federal overreach.”

“All the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 23, 2022

The Washington Post found a so-called “whistleblower” connected to liberal billionaire George Soros to stoke hysteria about how former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account threatened the planet.

In a so-called “exclusive,” The Post…

Jeffrey Clark | September 22, 2022

A group funded by George Soros with nearly $1.4 million is behind a legal effort to punish Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for shipping migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

Immigration activists sued the Florida governor just days after…

Jeffrey Clark | September 8, 2022

Notorious liberal billionaires George Soros and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar are backing a multimillion-dollar fund to reach Latino voters ahead of November’s midterm elections, according to a recent Newsweek report.

The left seems to be…