
Tom Olohan | January 15, 2024

Fox News host Laura Ingraham blasted the Biden Administration and woke airline companies for putting so many resources into woke diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives to the possible detriment of passenger safety. 


Tom Olohan | January 12, 2024

The New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has figured out why so many Americans aren’t properly grateful for the Biden economy, and his conclusion is quite a doozy. 

MSNBC Legal Analyst Jill Wine-Banks asked Krugman why…

Nicholas Schau | January 12, 2024

Legacy media outlets scrambled to save the pro-Bidenomics narratives they’ve been spewing after new data showed inflation came in hot in December.

The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicated that the price of all goods rose 0.…

Tom Olohan | January 12, 2024

Independent journalist Tucker Carlson laid into the media for ignoring massive protests against the net zero agenda. 

Carlson slammed the legacy media for ignoring “big events, mass movements that will change the course of history”…

Tom Olohan | January 11, 2024

GOP presidential candidate and successful businessman Vivek Ramaswamy sounded the alarm on an impending threat to American’s liberty, a central bank digital currency (CBDC). 

Ramaswamy addressed CBDC while answering a question about…

Tom Olohan | January 10, 2024

After California’s radical electric vehicle (EV) mandate came under EPA review, Climate Depot founder Marc Morano broke down what is at stake for the country. 

Morano referenced his past work as a U.S. Senate staffer to eviscerate a…

Nicholas Schau | January 10, 2024

With the climate-crazy legacy media touting their scare-inducing global warming headlines, it has become more important to advocate for truth and freedom.

This is what independent journalist Tucker Carlson set about doing when he invited…

Tim Kilcullen | January 9, 2024

Executive Summary

The MRC Censorship Investigation Project has uncovered the Biden administration’s latest effort to silence Americans. Utilizing FOIA, state public records laws and other investigative tools, MRC has learned that the…

Tom Olohan | January 9, 2024

A Soros-backed district attorney and fifteen-minute legacy media hero will have more time to spend on MSNBC.

Former Florida State Attorney Andrew Warren announced Tuesday on an X (formerly Twitter)  video that he would not seek…

Nicholas Schau | January 9, 2024

While the legacy media jumps for joy in Bidenomics, it’s becoming clear that everyday Americans who bear the brunt of President Joe Biden’s policies are not feeling that same disconnected delight.

Reagan advisory economist and Laffer…

Tom Olohan | January 8, 2024

The wages of ESG advocacy have come due for BlackRock according to Fox Business correspondent Charlie Gasparino

Gasparino made clear that BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s obsession with pushing radical Environmental, Social and Governance…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 8, 2024

Leftist Big Tech giant Google appears to be trying to turn fiction into a reality as it admits to taking inspiration from the dystopian story I, Robot for its new autonomous robot machines. 

Google DeepMind announced Thursday that…

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

President Joe Biden came in for some heavy criticism when a green project his administration bragged about sank beneath the waves. At least two Fox News hosts and a president of a pro-energy company.

Fox and Friends co-host Brian…

Nicholas Schau | January 5, 2024

The disastrous effects of Bidenomics are angering Americans in droves, and the media and politicians need to understand the reason behind this.

Fox Business anchor Larry Kudlow laid into the Biden administration’s horrible policies in…

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

Fox News host Jesse Watters ripped apart the Associated Press (AP) for accepting funding from eco-extremist donors while still painting itself as an impartial news service.

Watters tore into the AP for accepting funding from leftist…

Tom Olohan | January 5, 2024

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh called out Disney’s continued embrace of woke ideology despite a series of brutal and humiliating losses in 2022 and 2023.

Walsh slammed Disney’s recent decision to hire a woke “feminist journalist” to make…

Tom Olohan | January 3, 2024

Hours after Harvard’s president resigned over plagiarism and campus anti-Semitism accusations, a liberal Harvard donor acknowledged the leftist ideology behind the recent explosion in campus antisemitism.

Billionaire hedge-fund manager…

Nicholas Schau | January 3, 2024

The massive recent push from the climate change agenda and the Biden administration is apparently not enough for ABC News.

ABC News ridiculously warned about the “life-or-death stakes” and “economic consequences of climate change” in a…

Joseph Vazquez | January 3, 2024

The New York Times employed two of their Bidenomics-shilling flunkies to harp on why the president’s decrepit economy is actually great and the disgruntled voters are just dumb for not buying it.

Times columnists Paul Krugman and Peter…

Tom Olohan | January 2, 2024

Former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler lit up President Joe Biden for pushing draconian electric vehicle mandates on the American people while presiding over a disastrous rollout of supporting infrastructure. 

During a Dec. 30 Fox…