Sanity Sanity
Twitter censors user for tweet about rape statistics: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted "of course not. bisexual men rape women. And that's…
Joshua Fontanilla
Twitter censors user for tweet about gays: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The censored user had tweeted: "Same for gays. It's a mental disorder." Twitter…
Jim Hanson
Twitter downranks and suppresses author and Army veteran: Commentator, author, and U.S. Army Special Forces veteran Jim Hanson tweeted Nov. 27 in response to an Elon Musk tweet that Twitter had…
Tracy Chou
Mastadon censors user for explaining her anti-diversity reading choices: A Twitter user who claims to be a cofounder of "@projectinclude" and also working on an app "to solve online harassment"…
Cryann Madatieu
Twitter censors user for tweet asking about questionable practices at purportedly "family-friendly" event: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. From his clearly marked "parody…
Maya Forstater
Twitter locks account for sharing photos from sexualized LGBTQ promotion: Maya Forstater wrote on Medium Oct. 12 that Twitter locked her out of her account after she was mass reported by people…
Gays Against Groomers
PayPal cancels Gays Against Groomers' account: According to a purported screenshot shared on Twitter by Gays Against Groomers, payment processor PayPal has cancelled the group's account, citing only…
Gays Against Groomers
Venmo cancels Gays Against Groomers' account: According to a purported screenshot shared on Twitter by Gays Against Groomers, payment processor Venmo has cancelled the group's account, citing only "…
American Principles Project
Twitter places sensitive content interstitial over APP ad: American Principles Project, an organization that advocates for the rights and interests of sustaining the nuclear family, posted a video of…
Twitter censors user for tweet: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of another user's censorship notice. The other user had tweeted: "@BoyGeorge Female & homosexual...the ones who were with…
Twitter censors user's tweet about homosexuality: A Twitter user shared as screenshot of his censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "Homosexuality is a mental illness, crime and addiction,…
Gays Against Groomers
Twitter suspends Gays Against Groomers: Twitter suspended Gays Against Groomers's main account. It is unclear if a specific post triggered the ban. In a tweet about the incident, the coalition's…
Twitter censors user's tweet about monkeypox: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "So are all of them homosexuals? This is primarily a gay man's…
Gays Against Groomers
Linktree removed Gays Against Groomers for alleged 'inappropriate use of this service': Linktree, a platform that generates one link that lists all of a user's social media and promotions, removed…
Gays Against Groomers
Twitter suspends Gays Against Groomers' backup account: Twitter suspended Gays Against Groomers' backup account according to a purported screenshot shared on the organization's main Twitter account.…
Gays Against Groomers
Twitter suspends Gays Against Groomers account: Twitter suspended the popular Gays Against Groomers' main account. It is unclear if a specific post triggered the suspension. In a tweet about the…
Gays Against Groomers
Wix takes down Gays Against Groomers' site, later restores website: Gays Against Groomers announced on Twitter that Wix had taken down the organization's site. Users who attempted to visit the…
Gays Against Groomers
Twitter suspends Gays Against Groomers' backup account, later restores account: Twitter suspended Gays Against Groomers' backup account according to a purported screenshot shared on the organization'…
Twitter suspends news outlet Reduxx: The unverified account Women's Voices, which is run by the Reduxx co-founder, tweeted on August 18, "Reduxx (@ReduxxMag) was suspended, with no reason given…
Twitter censors user for tweet about monkeypox: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted "#monkeypox Gay men that have sex with other men make up 95% of…