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Displaying 201 - 220 of 409
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors Pro-Life organization's tweet about a Christmas tree topper made of abortion clamps: Pro-life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted the following: "Christmas is all about…
Twitter censors user for tweeting support for Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user tweeted: "True that. #KyleDidNothingWrong." In a screenshot they shared, Twitter found this tweet to violate…
Facebook suspends user account for 30 days for calling a Biden voter pathetic, explaining Biden supporters were the violent protestors: A Twitter user tweeted about his Facebook suspension. He…
Twitter censors user for posting abortion photo: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He admitted that he used to post abortion photos, and in this instance had included one…
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors Pro Life Organization for its Giving Tuesday promotion: Pro Life organization Pro-Life Action League attempted to promote its Giving Tuesday push on Twitter. As with most things that…
Lisa Christine
Instagram prevents user from sharing information in a private message: A Twitter user complained that she was prevented from sharing information via private message on Instagram. She was attempting…
Gavin Wax
President of New York Young Republican Club restricted from using certain account features on Twitter: Gavin Wax, a political commentator, columnist and president of New York Young Republican Club,…
Show The Truth
Twitter censors local news coverage of pro-life protest in Ontario: Pro-Life organization Show The Truth held a protest in Lindsay, ON in late October. The local news station for Kawartha Lakes…
Facebook Fact Checks "Leaked" Zoom call video: A Twitter user tweeted: "Facebook send me THIS about the 'Sunrise Exposed' leaked zoom call!" She included a screenshot of the fact check that Facebook…
Elle Jay Edds
Twitter censors a video from an organizing call between BLM and ShutDownDC: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Leaked Zoom Call Reveals Federal Works Conspiring to Shut Down White Hou... https://…
Jesse Kelly
Twitter suspends @JesseKellyDC for a week over a tweet about Kyle Rittenhouse: The Twitterverse has been suffering from a lack of pithy tweets by Jesse Kelly recently after he ran afoul of Twitter's…
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors meme with image of an embryo: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League took to Twitter before the election with an important message. They tweeted: "Why vote pro-life on #…
Pro Life Action League
Twitter censors video of a nun explaining why voting pro-life is the most important factor in the 2020 election: Pro-life organization Pro-Life Action League was censored by Twitter over a pro-…
Movie about ANTIFA removed from YouTube and Vimeo: A film about ANTIFA has been taken off of video uploading platforms YouTube and Vimeo (trailer still on YouTube). "ANTIFA: Rise Of The…
Claim from American Principles Project that Joe Biden has failed to condemn ANTIFA flagged by fact-checker as "Partly False" information: A post first shared by the conservative American…
Twitter censors user encouraging Louisiana voters to vote yes on a pro-life ballot measure: A Twitter user tweeted the following in advance of the 2020 election: "#louisiana Vote YES on #1 #ProLife #…
Pro-Life Action League
Twitter censors pro-life Op-Ed from USA Today: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted a pro-life op-ed piece from USA Today. When the organization simply re-tweeted the article, titled…
Camilo Sinfuegos
Twitter censors user for a pro-life message: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "#ProLife #proTrump #Trump2020 @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris are trying to kill babies even when they are months old…
Tracy Vidal
Twitter censors pro-life message: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "I’m 3 weeks behind. Don’t care. @PPFA‘s response here was the most #prolife thing they’ve ever said. Babies are babies…
Drou Bre
Twitter censors pro-life message: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Pro Life inside and out of the womb." He included several images. One shows a baby, and text that says: "Pro Life: No Other…