CensorTrack Database

6,914 Documented Cases
187 187
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
83 83
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
32 32
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
27 27
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
18 18
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
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Displaying 201 - 220 of 335
Benjamin Brooks
Facebook censors user for comment about which gun he recommends: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He noted when sharing the screenshot that he "got a 30 day ban…
Mike Yardley
Firearms blogger suspended from Facebook for posting picture of antique British shotgun: Mike Yardley, a firearms blogger who runs positiveshooting.com, was temporarily suspended from posting or…
Jarome Bell
Facebook suspends Congressional candidate for "pro-Constitution post, anti-Nazi meme": Jarome Bell, candidate for Virginia's 2nd Congressional seat, was suspended from Facebook for 24 hours for…
Terri Affanato
Facebook suspends user for 3 days for a post answering another user about gun safety classes and range time: A Facebook user was sent a censorship notice for the following post: "Most LTC…
Instagram removes post of a Dirty Harry t-shirt: Political Strategist Seth Weathers has an "Aggressively Patriotic" clothing shop that he promotes on Instagram. He recently posted an image of a new…
Twitter censors user for supporting Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared a copy of his censorship notice. He tweeted: "Kyle did nothing wrong" in regards to Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who…
Twitter removed a user's tweet defending Kyle Rittenhouse: Eighteen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first-degree murder after he killed two men and injured another purportedly in self-…
Twitter censors user for supporting Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "And again #KyleRittenshouse did nothing wrong. Being chased by…
Twitter censors user for stating Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted "Kyle Rittenhouse did NOTHING wrong." Twitter…
Facebook removes top Virginia gun-rights group VCDL page, says it "will not be republishing": The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has run into trouble with Facebook. In late January, Facebook…
Ellen Carmichael
Advertising ban placed on political consultant's new startup marketing a 'launch party' because AI thought it was selling rocket launchers, guns, grenades, ammunition, etc.: Political…
Status Coup News
Digital news outlet's coverage of annual Second Amendment rally removed from YouTube: Footage of a Second Amendment rally uploaded to YouTube by leftist digital news outlet Status Coup News was…
Mailchimp bans Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL): Mailchimp, a popular email marketing service, reported to VCDL that it had found "serious risks associated with the account." The email that…
Go Daddy drops Second Amendment group forcing it to go offline: Domain registrar and web hosting company Go Daddy decided to refuse services to AR15.com, forcing the pro-Second Amendment site to go…
Terrence K Williams
Twitter restricts actor Terrence K. Williams for pointing out riot hypocrisy: Actor Terrence K Williams tweeted about the hypocrisy of the coverage of the Capitol riot versus the Black Lives Matter/…
Twitter censors user for tweeting support for Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user tweeted: "True that. #KyleDidNothingWrong." In a screenshot they shared, Twitter found this tweet to violate…
Facebook suspends user account for 30 days for calling a Biden voter pathetic, explaining Biden supporters were the violent protestors: A Twitter user tweeted about his Facebook suspension. He…
Ravynn Liberty
Twitter user gets a permanent ban for profile header image showing her holding a gun: A Twitter user explained that her account had been permanently banned. She shared a screenshot of the…
Lisa Christine
Instagram prevents user from sharing information in a private message: A Twitter user complained that she was prevented from sharing information via private message on Instagram. She was attempting…
James Daugherty
Facebook censored a simple statement about an employee discount on ammunition: A Twitter user tweeted a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. His offending post said: "Remington allowed its…