Ran Israeli
Case #

Twitter censors user's tweet about data on efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. The user tweeted "Could it be that mRNA vaccines increase the chances of getting COVID? Disturbing analysis of the MoH data from last week (26/06-02/07) Compared to Unvaccinated people, Vaccinated people are ~3-5 times more likely to receive a positive COVID diagnosis 10 days after entering Israel." His tweet was accompanied by a chart labeled "Percentage of positive cases out of all travelers to Israel by vaccination status (%)." Twitter placed a "Misleading" label on the tweet, and prevent other user from liking, replying to or sharing the tweet without quote tweeting it. The user also claimed his account was restricted to read-only mode for twelve hours but this could not be confirmed.

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