Law or Fiction
Case #

Twitter censors a post citing UK's Office for National Statistics calling for investigation of COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter account that is run by some UK lawyers tweeted the following: "The UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) has admitted to a #StatisticallySignificant increase in deaths of males age 15-19 coinciding with roll out of covid-19 'vaccines' after May 2021. In a DIRECT CHALLENGE in open letter to @sajidjavid." The tweet also linked to a press release by the HART Group which detailed the call for investigation. Twitter applied a "Misleading" label to the tweet, directing users to "Learn why health officials consider COVID-19 vaccines safe for most people." The label had a link that sent users who clicked on it to a page titled "Scientists and public health experts say that vaccines are safe for most people," which consisted of an unattributed summary of "What you need to know," followed by relevant tweets from what Twitter considers to be "experts" on this subject." In addition, the tweet had a sharing restriction added, so it could not be liked, replied to, or re-tweeted, but could be quote-tweeted.

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