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It’s Episode 39 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about how TikTok censored the Media Research Center 34 times since the start of 2022. (Editors Note: As of 5/26/2022 MRCTV was notified it has been permanently banned from TikTok. An appeal has been sent.)

TikTok is a Chinese Communist Party-affiliated app where users post short videos about whatever they please — so long as it fits within the leftist narrative. The MRC TikTok account regularly posts clipped videos of our larger in-house content. The MRC supports free speech and exposing the liberal media for its overt bias. TikTok doesn’t seem to like that. 

On May 6, TikTok took down an episode of MRCTV Assistant Managing Editor and on-air Host Nick Kangadis’s “Things That Need To Be Said” show. Kangadis urged viewers to stop being violent after the recent physical attack on comedian Dave Chappelle. Though Kangadis said that the violence “needs to stop,” TikTok took down the video for alleged “Violent and graphic content.”

TikTok censored an episode of MRCTV Managing Editor Brittany Hughes’s show called “Reality Check.” Hughes talked about how the left was race-baiting and co-opting the tragic shooting in Buffalo, New York, last week. TikTok removed the video almost immediately after it was posted. 

TikTok deleted a different “Reality Check” episode in January but reinstated it after we appealed the platform’s decision. The episode was about how President Joe Biden nominated Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson for a seat  on the U.S. Supreme Court specifically because she is black. After reinstating the video for four months, TikTok re-removed it on May 16 — permanently. 

TikTok and the rest of Big Tech do not support content that challenges the left, but at the MRC, we aim to protect truth and protect people’s free speech online. Though we’ve been censored 34 times and counting, our fight isn’t over. 

Watch below for the thirty-ninth episode of CensorTrack with TR! We encourage you to post and share it across all social media. If you have been censored, contact us at, and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias.

Check out our recent episodes:

  • Ignorance Is Bliss? Twitter Hides Evil Truth of Abortion

  • Big Tech Protects Biden’s Reputation 646 Times!

  • Amazon Censors Best Selling, Innocent Kids Book

  • Biden Disinfo Board — The New Orwellian Speech Police!

  • Big Tech Bias Shows Hatred of Pro-Life Content

  • And more

Conservatives are under attack. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.