Autumn Johnson
Contributing Writer

Autumn is a practicing attorney licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia. When not working, Autumn enjoys reading, writing, playing video games, and spending time with her cats.

Autumn Johnson | October 30, 2023

MRC Free Speech America has exposed NewsGuard for its rank bias in favor of the left, but a new lawsuit reveals more information about an alleged conspiracy between the flawed media ratings firm and the Pentagon to censor speech online.

Autumn Johnson | October 25, 2023

A tech executive raised the alarm about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence.

Dario Amodei, the CEO and co-founder at Anthropic warned that artificial intelligence has a one-in-four chance of wiping out humanity.

Autumn Johnson | October 24, 2023

Dozens of states and the District of Columbia sued anti-free speech Meta in federal court, claiming that the company harms children by purposefully placing addictive features within Instagram and Facebook. 

The 233-page complaint,…

Autumn Johnson | October 23, 2023

The Supreme Court decided to intervene in the landmark Missouri v. Biden (2022) case zeroing in on the threats Big Tech-Government censorship collusion poses to free speech, but it temporarily chose to side with the government. 


Autumn Johnson | October 20, 2023

Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger said that some policymakers in the European Union are “enemies of free speech” in their dedication to online censorship.

Shellenberger referred to the European Parliament's Committee on…

Autumn Johnson | October 11, 2023

The head of Germany's antitrust office said there is a significant risk that the rapid, unchecked growth of artificial intelligence may increase Big Tech's hold over the free market.

Andreas Mundt, the president of Germany’s Federal…