Autumn Johnson
Contributing Writer

Autumn is a practicing attorney licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia. When not working, Autumn enjoys reading, writing, playing video games, and spending time with her cats.

Autumn Johnson | April 18, 2021

Twitter is under fire for its double standards. The site featured an article that relied on hacked materials to out police officers who donated to a crowdfunding campaign. This is the same site that banned a Hunter Biden story for allegedly using…

Autumn Johnson | April 11, 2021

Southern Poverty Law Center president Margaret Huang wants Americans to be more like President Joe Biden and take “a really strong position” against “hate.”

Huang discussed the SPLC’s classification of “hate groups” in an interview with…

Autumn Johnson | April 10, 2021

Justin Opinion, a popular YouTube channel that reviews guns, gears, and ammo, has been demonetized because YouTube deems the content “harmful.”

The channel has racked up more than 23 million total views and over 84,000 subscribers since…