Global Warming

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The same liberal billionaire who’s spending a fortune trying to get the plebeians to eat synthetic beef and quit using fossil fuels is now admitting he can’t force them to adopt eco-extremist habits.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates…

Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2022

Conservative radio host Mark Levin ripped apart President Joe Biden’s insane climate change agenda that has hamstrung American energy production and obliterated billions in taxpayer dollars.

The Great One ripped Biden’s United Nations…

Joseph Vazquez | September 20, 2022

PolitiFact had the audacity to argue like President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist policies didn't really have anything to do with America’s energy inflation crisis, continuing to prove why its worthless so-called “fact-checks” belong in the trash bin…

Jeffrey Clark | September 20, 2022

The leftist activists at The Rockefeller Foundation will bankroll NPR’s reporting on climate change, according to a recent press release. The Rockefeller Foundation is notoriously pro-abortion, pro-population control and anti-Israel. 

Jeffrey Clark | August 31, 2022

CNBC prophesied global destruction as a result of “human-caused climate change,” based on a study published by a liberal science journal. The journal, of course, omitted any mention of a human impact on climate. 

“A massive ice sheet…

Jeffrey Clark | August 29, 2022

Tesla CEO Elon Musk called for more oil and gas production in order to maintain stability around the world as Europe and the United States suffer through the worst energy crisis in years. 

“I think, realistically, we need to use oil…

Jeffrey Clark | August 23, 2022

An expert in the World Economic Forum “expert network” sang the praises of President Joe Biden’s $740 billion bill for being a “socially progressive” utopian green law, despite a climate expert’s recent analysis that the science the law was based…

Jeffrey Clark | August 18, 2022

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow blasted Biden Democrats for reversing a strong economy under former President Donald Trump on the Aug. 17 edition of Kudlow’s show.

Kudlow said President Joe Biden’s inflationary “Inflation Reduction Act” is…

Jeffrey Clark | August 17, 2022

Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson rebuked the woke globalist peddlers of climate doom in a fiery video essay on his YouTube channel.

“Have you all noticed that food has become much more expensive?” Peterson asked in an Aug. 15 video. “That…

Joseph Vazquez | August 17, 2022

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman just stepped on another rake by likening President Joe Biden’s insane $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act to Christmas.

Biden signed his eco-utopia bill into law yesterday, which allocates…

Jeffrey Clark | August 16, 2022

Liberal billionaire Bill Gates embarked on a campaign to woo Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) in an attempt to gain his support for President Joe Biden’s massive climate bill, according to a new report. 

A new Bloomberg Green report exposed a…

Jeffrey Clark | August 16, 2022

Hoover Institution visiting fellow and climate expert Dr. Bjorn Lomborg slammed President Joe Biden’s climate bill as an ineffective farce.

Lomborg joined the Aug. 15, edition of Fox Business’ Kudlow and exposed Biden’s gargantuan $740…

Jeffrey Clark | August 8, 2022

A powerful Dutch banking executive signaled support for personal carbon wallets that would give citizens — and perhaps even a government regulator — the ability to track carbon emissions on a micro scale. Is this an early look at what the U.S.…

Jeffrey Clark | August 4, 2022

Far-left media outlet The Young Turks called President Joe Biden’s mammoth climate bill “weak-sauce garbage” and whined that “conservative Democrats” were ruining the green agenda.

While some progressive Democrats are cheering Biden’s so-…

Jeffrey Clark | July 25, 2022

The New York Times Editorial Board used an illustration of charred and blackened toast to argue — what else? — that climate change could toast the planet. 

“The threat posed by climate change to Americans’ lives and livelihoods is…

Jeffrey Clark | July 22, 2022

Republican lawmakers are finally standing their ground and fighting back against woke bureaucrats who leverage government power to make traditional energy more expensive, according to Fox Business. 

Public Enemy No. 1 in this battle…

Jeffrey Clark | July 21, 2022

One of the foremost opponents of woke Corporate America, Vivek Ramaswamy, joined conservative radio host Glenn Beck to smack down environmental, social and governance standards and emphasize the dangers they present to the American people.

Jeffrey Clark | July 20, 2022

Fox News exposed climate czar John Kerry’s over 300 metric tons of hypocrisy — and that’s just since the beginning of the Biden administration. But not one of the Big Three evening news shows gave the shocking report any coverage. 

Jeffrey Clark | July 19, 2022

The Washington Post mourned the legislative death of President Joe Biden’s climate-change plan after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) reportedly sunk the proposal in Congress. The Post responded by plastering its website with two nutty stories signaling…

Jeffrey Clark | July 18, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the environmental, social and governance movement that caused total economic collapse in Sri Lanka and is now popular with Corporate America. 

“ESG is the latest fad on Wall Street,” Carlson said…