Global Warming

Sam Dorman | January 21, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio is going overboard again, except this time the only ship he’s riding is his titanic hypocrisy.

At the liberal World Economic Forum conclave held in Davos, Switzerland, actor and environmental activist DiCaprio…

Sam Dorman | December 30, 2015

The Atlantic needs a reminder that journalists should mention both sides when covering stories. The Society of Professional Journalists says the media are supposed to “support the open and civil exchange of views.” That…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2015

After CNBC Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen complained about his recent spat with allergies, citing warm weather as a potential cause of ragweed growth, co-host Becky Quick teased him about climate change.


Julia A. Seymour | December 21, 2015

Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned.

Rather than reporting as neutral…

Sam Dorman | December 16, 2015

View co-host Raven-Symoné took to Twitter last night to blast GOP candidates on foreign policy and, in particular, climate change. The actress and one-time Disney star scolded…

Julia A. Seymour | December 4, 2015

Biofuels should serve as an instructive lesson for negotiators in Paris, because they are proof that not all energy sources work as well as anticipated. But journalists are unlikely to remind them or the public.

The early 2000s were the…

Julia A. Seymour | December 3, 2015

One-sided and overwhelmingly biased coverage of climate change wasn’t enough for the news industry publication Columbia Journalism Review.

On Dec. 1,…

Julia A. Seymour | December 3, 2015

The matter of renewable “energy” sources is certain to be part of Paris summit negotiations, since they are an essential part of the goal of lowering carbon emissions. Ahead of the Paris meeting, one British Labor Party politician…

Julia A. Seymour | December 2, 2015

The climate conference in Paris hadn’t even begun, before climate alarmists were warning a far more stringent emissions agreement was necessary.

British Labor Party politician Ed Milliband wrote for The Guardian on Nov. 22, that the…

Julia A. Seymour | December 1, 2015

Certain types of energy are certain targets for the 190 governments’ representatives gathering in Paris this week  and from green activists surrounding the melee.

The goal of the U.N. climate conference in Paris, known as COP21…

Aly Nielsen | November 20, 2015

The Guardian’s latest installment of climate activism makes it seem more like a sad literary digest rather than a sad news outlet. And it brought in celebrities like actor James Franco to help.

In March 2015, The Guardian first…

Julia A. Seymour | November 13, 2015

Environmental activists are organizing the “largest Disobedient Action Adventure Game” for “climate justice” later this month. The global online and…

Julia A. Seymour | October 1, 2015

Hurricane Joaquin hasn’t hit ground in the U.S. yet, and might not, but already a climate alarmist public relations shop is pushing “Journalists” to blame…

Michael Greibrok | September 25, 2015

Associated Press (AP), the arbiters of style for journalism, issued new rules related to global warming and climate change coverage, infuriating liberal environmentalists.…

Aly Nielsen, Joseph Rossell | August 26, 2015

Ten years ago, Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana, destroying homes, businesses, and claiming more than 1,000 lives. The networks saw Katrina as a harbinger of climate doom.

Hurricane Katrina was the 7th-most intense Atlantic…