Matt Philbin
Managing Editor for MRC Culture
Matt Philbin | April 30, 2019

Social media companies appear to be tossing away their copies of SPLC’s bogus “hate map.” It took a while, but Facebook finally responded to the April 3 call from MRC President Brent Bozell and numerous other conservative…

Matt Philbin | August 8, 2018

Reporters are really good at worrying about the standards of other people’s professions. Their own? Maybe not so much. Take Washington Post reporter Joel Achenbach, who tells readers “Researchers are supposed to have what is known as…

Matt Philbin | October 12, 2010

Want more proof of the mainstream media’s fading influence with the public? A new ABC-Yahoo poll finds that a full 85 percent of Americans “are either angry about the economy or at least dissatisfied with it,” according to an ABC News article by…

Matt Philbin | September 20, 2010

The disdain was understated, but it was there. Liberal website Huffington Post published a short item Sept. 20 noting that the man credited with starting the Tea Party movement hasn’t donned sack cloth and ashes in penance. In fact, Rick Santelli…

Matt Philbin | September 1, 2010

With any luck, we’re going to be seeing a lot more commentary like Jim Garrison’s Aug. 31 Huffington Post piece. What’s positive about it isn’t the apocalyptic hysteria of his descriptions of “climate shock,” entertaining as they are. Rather, it’…

Matt Philbin | January 19, 2010

We don’t yet know the outcome of the Jan. 19 Massachusetts Senate special election. But the very fact that the Democrats could lose the seat formerly held by Sen. Ted Kennedy to a conservative who’s made blocking healthcare reform a centerpiece…