Jeffrey Clark
Contributing Writer

Jeffrey Clark currently serves as a staff writer and researcher for the Media Research Center's Business Division. His work has been featured in the Daily Wire, RealClearPolicy, RealClearEnergy, the Climate Dispatch, and The Bongino Report. 

He graduated from the University of Iowa in 2019 with a dual degree in History and English literature. Immediately following graduation, he travelled to South Korea on a Fulbright scholarship where he served as an English Teaching Assistant from 2019-20. After completing his grant year, Jeff returned to Washington D.C. to serve as the sole speechwriter for the 53rd secretary of the interior, David L. Bernhardt. There, he edited and helped write op-eds that were published in various local, regional, and national publications, including the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Bloomberg Law.

In January 2021, he finished his service with the Trump Administration and was accepted for an additional year with the Fulbright program in South Korea, this time at the most academically rigorous high school in Chungcheongbuk Province. He was proud to volunteer with Liberty in North Korea, the Hana Foundation, and the U.S. Embassy during his time in South Korea. Jeffrey is a current resident and native of Fairfax County in Virginia.

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The Rev. Al Sharpton targeted the liberal elite in a fiery anti-woke sermon on inflation.

Sharpton pummeled woke elitists during his appearance on the April 11 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The topic was the Democratic outlook for the…

Jeffrey Clark | April 12, 2022

The NBC, CBS and ABC morning news shows largely ignored a new inflation report that showed inflation raging at 8.5 percent. That was the highest increase since 1981 — the same year Raiders of the Lost Ark hit the box office.

The Bureau of…

Jeffrey Clark | April 8, 2022

The director of former President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council landed some solid punches and dished out some harsh warnings for the Federal Reserve in a recent Washington Post op-ed.  

Lawrence Summers took the…

Jeffrey Clark | April 7, 2022

Bill Nye the Science Guy went from pushing climate change to helping sell more Cokes for possibly the largest plastic polluter in the world, Coca-Cola.

If there were a greenwashing awards show, Bill Nye would be its host and Coca-Cola…

Jeffrey Clark | April 6, 2022

Washington Post opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin absurdly claimed that “Biden’s economic record is extraordinary, but it is marred by inflation.” That’s like pretending an athlete is healthy except for the fact that they’re “marred” by a torn ACL…

Jeffrey Clark | April 4, 2022

Billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk slammed woke corporate policies as “the Devil Incarnate” on Twitter. 

Is the world’s richest man, worth $298 billion according to Forbes, totally based now? 

Musk recently made waves…