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Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor | December 2, 2010

Leave it to navel-gazing so-called climate journalists to get to the bottom of the aftermath of ClimateGate.

The Yale Forum on Climate Change…

Jeff Poor | December 1, 2010

Crickets chirping

That's the sound you would hear if you were looking for any sort of broadcast media coverage on site at the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference going on now in Cancun. A survey of the broadcast…

Jeff Poor | November 30, 2010

If you want to bring up something that makes the left crazy, mention the Citizens United-Federal Election Commission Supreme Court decision.

And, while the punditry on MSNBC and other liberal haunts would have you believe that big…

Jeff Poor | November 22, 2010

Shorter Ezra Klein Nov. 21 column: Let them eat wonky policy papers!

If this is Klein trying to win the contest for the best impersonation of the inside-the-beltway 'Grinch Who Stole Christmas,' he may have pulled it off. In a not-so-…

Jeff Poor | November 17, 2010

As a reporter, when you turn to a whistleblower agriculture commissioner that’s a failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate for a state that has specific economic interests as over an issue you’re reporting on – isn’t that something that should…

Jeff Poor | November 12, 2010

It’s funny that every time the Republican Party has any sort of power in government, there’s a clamoring for so-called bipartisan action from the media elite.

Thomas Friedman, a New York Times columnist, appeared on the Fox Business…