
Gabriela Pariseau | May 30, 2024

A bipartisan Texas Senate committee just unanimously voted to subpoena Big Tech companies and force them to answer for their election-interfering censorship efforts.

After a hearing that MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 20, 2024

ByteDance may be suing the Department of Justice (DOJ), but the two have now joined forces in an effort to fast-track the company’s legal challenge to a potentially imminent TikTok ban. 

TikTok, and its parent company ByteDance,…

Catherine Salgado | May 14, 2024

A NewsNation host slammed communist Chinese government-tied TikTok and Meta-owned Instagram for censoring content on one of the most hotly debated topics online.

On May 3, NewsNation founder and host Dan Abrams declared himself “shocked”…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 8, 2024

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr roasted TikTok’s “arrogance” as it attempts to escape severing its ties with the communist Chinese government.

Last month, President Joe Biden signed a bill that would force TikTok’s Chinese-controlled parent…

Catherine Salgado | May 7, 2024

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok is seemingly desperate to hold onto both its China ties and the American market.

Last month, President Joe Biden signed legislation that would force TikTok into either divestment from its Chinese…

Catherine Salgado | May 1, 2024

The European Union is the latest government entity to ponder canceling a Chinese government-tied app.

Soon after President Joe Biden signed a bill giving TikTok a choice between Chinese divestment and a ban in the U.S., European…

Did Apple just help China retaliate against America’s possible TikTok ban?

Apple has long invested heavily in Chinese markets, and, based on a recent report, the company is willing to exercise censorship to maintain those markets.…

Catherine Salgado | April 30, 2024

Big Tech has not only run cover for leftists but, over the years, it has censored content exposing radical Islamic extremism.

From 2018 to April 2024, individuals discussing or providing evidence on radical Islam have found themselves…

Catherine Salgado | April 25, 2024

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok is doubling down on election-interfering censorship even as it faces a potential U.S. ban.

President Joe Biden signed into law a Republican-led bill that could force TikTok’s Chinese parent company…

Catherine Salgado | April 17, 2024

Five Trump jurors reportedly get their news from a tech giant notorious for its leftist bias.

Fox News released information this week on the seven jurors chosen for former President Donald Trump’s supposed “hush money” criminal trial in…

Catherine Salgado | April 16, 2024

A group of former TikTok employees is sounding the alarm on the company’s disturbing ties to the communist Chinese government.

Fortune interviewed 11 former employees, some of whom stated that TikTok does have close operational ties with…

Catherine Salgado | April 5, 2024

A fact-checking network funded by leftist billionaire George Soros is trying to shift emphasis from free speech to pre-approved “facts.”

Leftist Poynter Institute and its International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) only mentioned free…

Catherine Salgado | April 5, 2024

March closed with Resurrection Day (Easter or Pascha), the Christian celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead and renewal. Yet the most obvious thing Big Tech companies have renewed this past month are their censorship-heavy ways…

Luis Cornelio | April 5, 2024

Fazed by a looming ban in the U.S., TikTok has deployed what appears to be a desperate, last-ditch effort to gain support from conservative Americans through propaganda-like ads.

According to The New York Times, the communist Chinese-…

Catherine Salgado | March 28, 2024

One GOP senator argues that President Joe Biden could have banned the communist Chinese government-tied TikTok, but chose not to do so for personal reasons.

The debate about banning TikTok continues to rage as legislation has gone to the…

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok censored videos of women exposing the health risks of hormonal contraceptives after apparently receiving pressure from a leftist legacy media outlet.

The Washington Post released a now-infamous…

Catherine Salgado | March 25, 2024

Under pressure after the passage of bipartisan House legislation, toxic and anti-free speech TikTok has a strange new strategy: turn teenagers into decision-makers.

TikTok has come under fire for its ties to the communist Chinese…

Joseph Vazquez | March 19, 2024

Imagine a radical law organization financed by George Soros lurching so far to the left on the free speech issue that it ends up bastardizing the very philosophy of the liberal U.S. Supreme Court associate justice it's named after. Enter the…

Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok bragged about the billions of dollars it allegedly “contributed” to the U.S. economy even as Congress advances legislation aiming to ban it.

TikTok unashamedly announced its contribution of $24…

NB Staff | March 15, 2024

Members of the MRC-led Free Speech Alliance are urging the Senate to follow the House of Representatives' lead and vote on a bill forcing TikTok to divest itself from its communist Chinese government ties, or risk being banned from the U.S.…