Richard Blumenthal

Alexander Hall | November 12, 2019

Skeptical of Big Tech’s power over your life? Recent reports reveal Google may know all about your medical history.

One of the world’s largest companies is reportedly involved in a massive plan to “collect and crunch…

Corinne Weaver | July 25, 2019

No one is happy with the fine the FTC  levied on Facebook. Not even the FTC. 

Federal Trade Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter wrote in a July 24 letter that she objected to the $5 billion fine handed to Facebook for privacy…

Corinne Weaver | November 19, 2018

The press isn’t arguing any more: Silicon Valley is allied with Democrats. And The New York Times is worried that alliance is crumbling.

Democrats scrambled to condemn the company after fallout from a Times hit piece that accused…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | August 17, 2018

Not content with letting social media sites police content on their own, five Democratic U.S. Senators have sent letters to the heads of major tech companies urging them to “proactively” block users from accessing blueprints for 3-D…