New York Times

Joseph Vazquez | January 3, 2024

The New York Times employed two of their Bidenomics-shilling flunkies to harp on why the president’s decrepit economy is actually great and the disgruntled voters are just dumb for not buying it.

Times columnists Paul Krugman and Peter…

Tom Olohan | December 27, 2023

When a reporter lobbed a softball at President Joe Biden, the president took the opportunity to demand further adulation from the media. 

Biden on Dec. 23 fielded a question about how he feels about the economy in 2024, telling a…

Joseph Vazquez | December 20, 2023

The New York Times beclowned itself by twisting the results from its own poll to suppress the reality that Americans are frustrated with President Joe Biden largely because his economy stinks. 

The latest Times/Sienna poll of 1,016…

Nicholas Schau | December 20, 2023

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, a master in the art of being perpetually wrong, stayed true to form by making the ludicrous claim that 2023 was a stellar year for the U.S. economy under President Joe Biden.  


Tom Olohan | November 10, 2023

Fox News contributor and investigative journalist Sara Carter slammed Big Tech and the legacy media during an interview with MRC Free Speech Vice President Dan Schneider on the latest episode of MRC UnCensored. 

Over the course of…

Luis Cornelio | November 3, 2023

Editor’s Note (Jan. 19, 2024): An earlier version of this article reported that Ad Fontes did not rate The New York Times’ infamous hospital hoax story. However, Ad Fontes did rate The Times’ story, giving it a relatively low score of 23.67 for…

Joseph Vazquez | October 24, 2023

Paul Krugman, New York Times economics columnist and chronic escapist, can’t help making himself look even more clownish by casting Bidenomics as anything other than the inflation-stimulating mess that it is.

“The Secret of America’s…

Joseph Vazquez | October 20, 2023

Radical internet traffic cop NewsGuard has shown once again why its bona fides as a supposedly unbiased journalism referee are hot garbage in light of how it treats leftist outlets that peddled Hamas agitprop to attack Israel. 


Tom Olohan | October 19, 2023

A Democrat billionaire podcaster pierced through years of legacy media’s abysmal coverage of former President Donald Trump’s accomplishments during his administration.

Chamath Palihapitiya, co-host of the All-In podcast explained his…

Joseph Vazquez | October 18, 2023

One of the most ardent leftist economic writers in American media actually claimed that the far left “has no significant influence on the Democratic Party.” And no, he wasn’t being facetious.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman…

Joseph Vazquez | October 16, 2023

The New York Times hyped up an eco-extremist group with ties to leftist billionaire George Soros that is scheming to unleash tens of millions of dollars to ensure President Joe Biden’s reelection in 2024.

The Times praised on Oct. 16 how…

Tom Olohan | October 13, 2023

The New York Times’s insufferable economics columnist Paul Krugman found an innovative way to fool himself into arguing that Biden’s disastrous policies beat inflation. 

Krugman pontificated on X (formerly Twitter) on Oct. 11 that…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2023

The New York Times seems to get a kick out of pushing hubris-riddled blather normalizing the ridiculous notion that governments can control Mother Nature to fight climate change.

A Sept. 14 Times guest essay whined that switching to…

Tom Olohan | September 14, 2023

When it was revealed Sept. 12 that the U.S. poverty rate spiked in 2022 for the first time in 13 years, President Joe Biden’s mouthpiece at The New York Times had some egg on his face. 

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made an…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2023

The tone-deaf hacks at The New York Times treated an expected spike in inflation as a problem because … Republicans could potentially pounce on the development to criticize President Joe Biden. Yes, the leftist rag actually did that.


Joseph Vazquez | August 30, 2023

Apparently the plebeians supporting the candidates of their choice with small dollar donations represent a major problem for American society. At least, that’s what a condescending New York Times columnist argued.

Thomas Edsall, who…

Joseph Vazquez | August 29, 2023

The New York Times’s inveterate Bidenomics apologist Paul Krugman has a knack for reminding the world that former President Donald Trump lives rent-free in his head. 

Krugman went on an unhinged rant against Trump, “an actual madman…

Catherine Salgado | August 25, 2023

Anti-free speech podcast host Kara Swisher issued a series of nasty tweets after former President Donald Trump returned to X (formerly Twitter)

Swisher, the host of Vox Media's On with Kara Swisher and formerly the New York…

Joseph Vazquez | August 21, 2023

The New York Times took eco-sensationalism to a new level by making couples planning summer weddings out to be victims of … climate change.

The Times’s headline read like a piece of poorly written satire: “‘It Was Pretty Miserable’:…

Tom Olohan | August 11, 2023

Ben Shapiro let Disney have it after a legacy media outlet admitted the extent to which the woke company’s flagship streaming program is taking on water. 

In response to a Wednesday article in The New York Times on Disney+ losing…