NB Daily

Jeffrey Clark | May 25, 2022

A leftist crypto billionaire is hinting at throwing a billion dollars, give or take, to keep former President Donald Trump from winning the 2024 presidential election. Trump has not officially announced his bid for the presidency. …

Jeffrey Clark | May 24, 2022

Two notorious leftist billionaires funneled millions into some of the same organizations that attacked Tesla CEO Elon Musk as a threat to democracy. 

Liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros funded at least five organizations…

Jeffrey Clark | May 20, 2022

The Big Three evening news networks largely ignored a staggering milestone on gas prices, which are bearing the brunt of President Joe Biden’s radical war on energy. 

Gas prices shot up over $4 per gallon in all 50 states, according…

Jeffrey Clark | May 17, 2022

A gaming and entertainment behemoth just caved to abortion advocates and is reportedly giving big bucks to promote baby-killing after a liberal newspaper complained.

The Washington Post whined on May 11 that the “video game industry stay[…

Jeffrey Clark | May 13, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson ripped President Joe Biden for being willing to blame anything but himself for the sky-high gas prices and inflation crippling the American economy. Carlson blasted Biden on the May 12 edition of Tucker Carlson…

Jeffrey Clark | May 10, 2022

A senior government official excoriated the Department of Homeland Security's new Disinformation Governance Board as Orwellian, a threat to liberty and even a “dumpster fire.”  

FCC commissioner Brendan Carr appeared on the May…

Jeffrey Clark | May 9, 2022

The American Dream is escaping further out of reach for much of the country as mortgage rates soar, but the left-wing media largely squelched the story for five days straight. Americans who get their news from the ABC, CBS and NBC evening…

Jeffrey Clark | May 6, 2022

Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks outlined the dangers of so-called environmental, social and governance standards in an exclusive interview with MRC Business. 

Treasurer Oaks (R-U.T) made clear that everyday Americans should not…

Jeffrey Clark | May 6, 2022

Wednesday night on the Fox News Channel's The Ingraham Angle, former White House economist Kevin Hassett tore apart the Federal Reserve for hiking interest rates while gaslighting Americans on the economy. 

The Fed jacked up…

Jeffrey Clark | May 4, 2022

Bloomberg News had the audacity to claim that overturning the abortion-sanctioning Roe v. Wade (1973) is erasing women’s “economic gains.”

Bloomberg News published a May 3 story headlined, “Abortion Rollback Risks Erasing Decades of…

Jeffrey Clark | May 3, 2022

UPDATE: Amazon attempted to play on both sides of the abortion debate fence by putting out a press release March 4 announcing a "Ramp Back program" to help parents at Amazon "find balance" and take up to 20 weeks of paid leave.

Jeffrey Clark | April 28, 2022

A group funded with over $2 million from liberal billionaire George Soros is demanding that Apple ban another free speech platform and throttle its reach — just like it did to Parler. 

Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in…

Jeffrey Clark | April 26, 2022

Fox News peeled back the curtain of President Joe Biden's administration and revealed how a shadowy organization heavily funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is working behind the scenes to advance a progressive agenda.

Fox News…

NB Staff | April 26, 2022

Billionaire Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter was totally about protecting the First Amendment, and had little to do with labor considerations or investing for financial gain. MRC President and founder Brent Bozell made those remarks during an…

Jeffrey Clark | April 22, 2022

The former CEO of McDonald’s slammed Woke America, Inc. for sacrificing its investors on the altar of discrimination and racial politics. 

Former McDonald’s USA president and CEO Edward Rensi authored an April 21 Fox Business op-ed…

Jeffrey Clark | April 21, 2022

The stock value of the Walt Disney Company took an icy dive after parents and conservative leaders exposed the company for feeding woke values to children.

CNBC reporter Carl Quintanilla broke the news on Twitter April 20: “Disney is now…

Jeffrey Clark | April 20, 2022

TIME senior correspondent Justin Worland proclaimed the dawn of a “green transition” for believers in climate change. But Worland admitted the left’s extreme green vision will be an existential threat for many blue-collar workers.

Jeffrey Clark | April 18, 2022

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary smacked the censor czars at Twitter for their abysmal performance, defended Elon Musk’s bid for owning the platform and stood up for free speech — all in under five minutes.

O’Leary slammed Big Tech…

Jeffrey Clark | April 18, 2022

Washington Post columnist Max Boot freaked out over the world’s richest man potentially buying Twitter. The reason? A buy out might hurt his dream to increase censorship on the platform.

Boot had a complete meltdown in an April 14 op…

Jeffrey Clark | April 14, 2022

Some of the most powerful media outlets and figures in America are upset about Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter. 

Musk shocked Twitter with a $43 billion cash offer to buy out the company. He shared a letter he wrote to…