Hillary Clinton

Aly Nielsen | September 20, 2016

The Clinton Foundation was such a source of conflict during the 2016 presidential election that print media outlets and even some Democrats said the Clinton family should leave the foundation. The liberal Minnesota Star Tribune even said “…

Sam Dorman | September 12, 2016

Squawk Box anchor Joe Kernen jabbed the Clinton campaign for staging a meeting between the Democratic presidential nominee and a little girl in New York City.

“It was so choreographed,” Kernen said on Sept. 12.…

Sam Dorman | September 12, 2016

When it came to covering voters’ most important issue, networks fumbled again in August. Instead, the networks spent more time tackling a football player who protested the national anthem.

Voters and presidential…

Julia A. Seymour | September 9, 2016

It’s a Bernie Sanders dreamland. In socialism, government takes over the means of production. One of the first steps is to grow government. The latest jobs report gave…

Sam Dorman | August 31, 2016

Networks vilified a drug company and its CEO for the high price of life-saving allergy medicine, all while ignoring government actions which enabled the company’s monopoly, contributed to rising costs and increased demand.

Sam Dorman | August 24, 2016

MRC’s Dan Gainor rebuffed Clinton campaign complaints of distortion on the part of Associated Press due to recent reporting on the Clinton Foundation scandal.

On Aug. 23, AP reported that a disturbing amount of Clinton’s…

Julia A. Seymour | August 24, 2016

One of the liberal media’s favorite Hollywood actors, Leonardo DiCaprio, intended to host a fundraiser in his home for Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton…

Sam Dorman | August 22, 2016

When CNBC’s Joe Kernen calls someone out for liberal bias, it is usually one of his colleagues. This time, he hit ABC This Week anchor George Stephanopoulos.

“I love when Steph goes after the Republicans, man. He's tough.…

Sam Dorman | August 17, 2016

NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt slammed presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling him "toxic" and "demented," after his network spend more than a decade building his image.

In a Facebook post he later deleted,…

Mira Ebersole | July 22, 2016

On the eve of the Democratic convention, CNBC’s Joe Kernen wanted to know why the media have failed to challenge Hillary Clinton on the issue of her personal wealth and the controversy surrounding the Clinton Foundation.

Kernen, a…

Mira Ebersole | July 12, 2016

While radical environmentalists jointly claim greenhouse gases and fossil fuels such as oil and coal are responsible for global warming and endangering the planet, there is strong disagreement among them about what energy sources are acceptable…

Sam Dorman | July 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s proposal to spend $350 billion on “affordable” tuition may have been outrageous, but at least it provoked some poignant comments on the pitfalls of big government.

On July 6, Clinton proposed…

Sam Dorman | June 15, 2016

For one New York Times columnist, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hasn’t been revolutionary enough in her economic policies.

Times columnist Eduardo Porter complained that Clinton’s economic plan, which…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2016

President Obama threatened to bankrupt the coal industry before he was elected. Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton recently told coal miners she would put a lot of…

Sam Dorman | June 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton made herself look like the out-of-touch elitist she is often criticized for being, but rather than reporting that, broadcast networks hyped her “historic” nomination.

When Clinton spoke against income…

Aly Nielsen | March 30, 2016

Batman might be fighting Superman at your local cinema, but the movie’s writers and actors are politically united behind the left. Together, they gave $58,000 to liberal PACs and Democrats since 2002, but not a cent to Republicans. Actor…

Julia A. Seymour | March 14, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently admitted her policies would put a certain group of people out of work, which could cost her support if the liberal…

Michael Greibrok | October 6, 2015

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen lit into writers at The Huffington Post Tuesday morning for their poor understanding of basic economics..

While The Huffington…

Aly Nielsen | October 1, 2015

A few Hillary supporters just learned an important lesson about paying attention to your candidate’s policies.

Following the announcement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s  tax plan, late night TV host…

Michael Greibrok | September 15, 2015

Businessman and reality TV star, Mark Cuban, seems to be jealous of the attention Donald Trump has received while campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination. In an email exchange with CNBC, Cuban discussed how presidential campaigning has…