
Catherine Salgado | January 26, 2023

Meta announced Wednesday that former President Donald Trump would be allowed back on Facebook and Instagram in the “coming weeks,” and Meta’s largely international Oversight Board responded.

“Today’s decision to reinstate Mr. Trump on…

Renata Kiss | January 26, 2023

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey discussed his team’s latest findings from their ongoing lawsuit against the Biden administration for allegedly colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech. 

Bailey told the Fox Business…

Autumn Johnson | January 26, 2023

Facebook and Twitter are coming to Google’s defense in a lawsuit that could have a great impact on content moderation online.

Bloomberg Law reported last week that the companies recently filed their own legal briefs in an upcoming case,…

Paiten Iselin | January 25, 2023

Facebook and Instagram’s egregious censorship of former President Donald Trump seems to have finally run its course.

Meta President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg announced that Trump’s Instagram and Facebook accounts will be reinstated “…

NB Staff | January 25, 2023

Big Tech is playing games with speech. Its primary concern is with neutralizing conservative influence online. It does this by preventing users from hearing or seeing a message that the left disagrees with.

“Big Tech kept information from…

Catherine Salgado | January 24, 2023

An ongoing lawsuit alleging Big Tech-government collusion led to the unveiling of “The Facebook Files,” a trove of documents exposing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s sordid influence over Facebook and Instagram’s bloated…

Michael Chapman | January 16, 2023

(CNSNews.com) -- Several House Republicans introduced a bill on Jan. 13 that would prohibit federal workers from using their position to advocate for censoring free speech expressed on social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, and on…

Catherine Salgado | January 10, 2023

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry revealed that the White House pressured Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson.

White House Director of Digital Strategy Robert Flaherty emailed Facebook in April 2021 to call for the platform to censor…

Autumn Johnson | January 10, 2023

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey released evidence exposing how the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor so-called “misinformation” about COVID-19.

One screenshot from Bailey revealed that White House Digital Director…

Autumn Johnson | January 9, 2023

Former President Donald Trump's Facebook ban may finally be lifted after two years.

CBS News reported Friday that Meta is considering allowing Trump to return to the platform. He was originally suspended after the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2023

The liberal Columbia Journalism Review may now want to consider retracting its 2019 screed dismissing Big Tech bias against conservatives as a “myth” that “refuses to die.”

CJR’s August 2019 propaganda was plastered with a blaring…

Autumn Johnson | January 5, 2023

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry says the release of the “Twitter Files” confirms that the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech to censor particular views online.

Landry joined Family Research Council President Tony Perkins…

Paiten Iselin | December 30, 2022

2022 was quite the year for free speech. Before we officially enter the new year, let’s take a look back at the top seven best – and worst – free speech moments of 2022. This is not intended to serve as a ranked list, but to highlight the seven…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 23, 2022

Big Tech continued to silence and restrict American free speech in 2022 but Media Research Center heavily tracked its censorship spree throughout the year. 

“The left has claimed that Big Tech censoring conservatives was a wild…

Catherine Salgado | December 21, 2022

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec called out the damage wreaked by Big Tech censorship in a speech Tuesday at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest. 

“We are going to take this satanic machine that you have built to try to control our…

Craig Bannister | December 15, 2022

“Big Tech is out to get conservatives, and is increasingly willing to undermine First Amendment values by complying with the Biden Administration’s directives that suppress freedom of speech online,” incoming House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim…

Craig Bannister | December 14, 2022

Three-fourths all U.S. likely voters think that social media companies like Facebook are censoring content because of political bias, and three-fourths of Democrat voters agree, but Democrats are much less likely to want Congress to do anything…

Paiten Iselin | December 9, 2022

George Soros’ globalist influence extends across time and borders. His charities fund hundreds of media organizations worldwide.

This week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten featured MRC Business & MRC Free Speech America Associate…

Michael Chapman | December 8, 2022

(CNS News) -- The ongoing release of internal Twitter documents revealing the company's decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 presidential election largely confirms a post-election poll showing how Big Tech and Big…

NB Staff | December 7, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security’s defunct Disinformation Governance Board had incorporated at least five federal agencies, developed a basic work plan and exchanged emails with Facebook executives about a potential meeting.
